Package | Description |
com.destroystokyo.paper | |
com.destroystokyo.paper.event.block | |
org.bukkit |
The root package of the Bukkit API, contains generalized API classes.
org.bukkit.block |
Classes used to manipulate the voxels in a
world ,
including special states. | |
Generalized BlockData classes.
| |
Specific BlockData classes relevant to only a given block or set of blocks.
org.bukkit.entity |
Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a
world , including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc. |
org.bukkit.event.block | |
org.bukkit.event.entity | |
org.bukkit.generator |
Classes to facilitate
world generation
implementation. |
org.bukkit.inventory.meta |
The interfaces used when manipulating extra data can can be stored inside
item stacks . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
MaterialSetTag.isTagged(@NotNull BlockData block) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull BlockData |
BlockDestroyEvent.getNewState() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static @NotNull AnvilDamagedEvent.DamageState |
AnvilDamagedEvent.DamageState.getState(@Nullable BlockData blockData)
Get damaged state by block data
Constructor and Description |
AnvilDamagedEvent(@NotNull InventoryView inventory,
@NotNull BlockData blockData) |
BlockDestroyEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockData newState,
boolean willDrop) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull BlockData |
Creates a new
BlockData instance for this Material, with all
properties initialized to unspecified defaults. |
@NotNull BlockData |
Material.createBlockData(@Nullable Consumer<BlockData> consumer)
Creates a new
BlockData instance for this Material, with
all properties initialized to unspecified defaults. |
@NotNull BlockData |
Server.createBlockData(@NotNull Material material)
Creates a new
BlockData instance for the specified Material, with
all properties initialized to unspecified defaults. |
static @NotNull BlockData |
Bukkit.createBlockData(@NotNull Material material)
Creates a new
BlockData instance for the specified Material, with
all properties initialized to unspecified defaults. |
@NotNull BlockData |
Server.createBlockData(@NotNull Material material,
@Nullable Consumer<BlockData> consumer)
Creates a new
BlockData instance for the specified Material, with
all properties initialized to unspecified defaults. |
static @NotNull BlockData |
Bukkit.createBlockData(@NotNull Material material,
@Nullable Consumer<BlockData> consumer)
Creates a new
BlockData instance for the specified Material, with
all properties initialized to unspecified defaults. |
@NotNull BlockData |
Server.createBlockData(@Nullable Material material,
@Nullable String data)
Creates a new
BlockData instance for the specified Material, with
all properties initialized to unspecified defaults, except for those
provided in data. |
static @NotNull BlockData |
Bukkit.createBlockData(@Nullable Material material,
@Nullable String data)
Creates a new
BlockData instance for the specified Material, with
all properties initialized to unspecified defaults, except for those
provided in data. |
@NotNull BlockData |
Server.createBlockData(@NotNull String data)
Creates a new
BlockData instance with material and properties
parsed from provided data. |
@NotNull BlockData |
Material.createBlockData(@Nullable String data)
Creates a new
BlockData instance for this Material, with all
properties initialized to unspecified defaults, except for those provided
in data. |
static @NotNull BlockData |
Bukkit.createBlockData(@NotNull String data)
Creates a new
BlockData instance with material and properties
parsed from provided data. |
BlockData |
UnsafeValues.fromLegacy(Material material,
byte data)
@NotNull BlockData |
ChunkSnapshot.getBlockData(int x,
int y,
int z)
Get block data for block at corresponding coordinate in the chunk
@NotNull BlockData |
BlockChangeDelegate.getBlockData(int x,
int y,
int z)
Get the block data at the location.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ChunkSnapshot.contains(@NotNull BlockData block)
Tests if this snapshot contains the specified block.
boolean |
Chunk.contains(@NotNull BlockData block)
Tests if this chunk contains the specified block.
boolean |
BlockChangeDelegate.setBlockData(int x,
int y,
int z,
@NotNull BlockData blockData)
Set a block data at the specified coordinates.
@NotNull FallingBlock |
World.spawnFallingBlock(@NotNull Location location,
@NotNull BlockData data)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull BlockData |
Gets the data for this block state.
@NotNull BlockData |
Gets the complete block data for this block
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BlockState.setBlockData(@NotNull BlockData data)
Sets the data for this block state.
void |
Block.setBlockData(@NotNull BlockData data)
Sets the complete data for this block
void |
Block.setBlockData(@NotNull BlockData data,
boolean applyPhysics)
Sets the complete data for this block
Note that applyPhysics = false is not in general safe. |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
'age' represents the different growth stages that a crop-like block can go
interface |
'power' represents the redstone power level currently being emitted or
transmitted via this block.
interface |
'attached' denotes whether a tripwire hook or string forms a complete
tripwire circuit and is ready to trigger.
interface |
'half' denotes which half of a two block tall material this block is.
interface |
'facing' represents the face towards which the block is pointing.
interface |
'face' represents the face to which a lever or button is stuck.
interface |
'level' represents the amount of fluid contained within this block, either by
itself or inside a cauldron.
interface |
'lit' denotes whether this block (either a redstone torch or furnace) is
currently lit - that is not burned out.
interface |
This class encompasses the 'north', 'east', 'south', 'west', 'up', 'down'
boolean flags which are used to set which faces of the block textures are
displayed on.
interface |
'open' denotes whether this door-like block is currently opened.
interface |
'axis' represents the axis along whilst this block is oriented.
interface |
'powered' indicates whether this block is in the powered state or not, i.e.
interface |
'shape' represents the current layout of a minecart rail.
interface |
'rotation' represents the current rotation of this block.
interface |
'snowy' denotes whether this block has a snow covered side and top texture
(normally because the block above is snow).
interface |
'waterlogged' denotes whether this block has fluid in it.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull BlockData |
Returns a copy of this BlockData.
@NotNull BlockData |
BlockData.merge(@NotNull BlockData data)
Merges all explicitly set states from the given data with this BlockData.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
BlockData.matches(@Nullable BlockData data)
Checks if the specified BlockData matches this block data.
@NotNull BlockData |
BlockData.merge(@NotNull BlockData data)
Merges all explicitly set states from the given data with this BlockData.
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
'leaves' represents the size of the leaves on this bamboo block.
interface |
Similar to
Bisected , 'part' denotes which half of the bed this block
corresponds to. |
interface |
'honey_level' represents the amount of honey stored in the hive.
interface |
'attachment' denotes how the bell is attached to its block.
interface |
Interface to the 'has_bottle_0', 'has_bottle_1', 'has_bottle_2' flags on a
brewing stand which indicate which bottles are rendered on the outside.
interface |
'drag' indicates whether a force will be applied on entities moving through
this block.
interface |
'bites' represents the amount of bites which have been taken from this slice
of cake.
interface |
'signal_fire' denotes whether the fire is extra smokey due to having a hay
bale placed beneath it.
interface |
Chain |
interface |
'type' represents which part of a double chest this block is, or if it is a
single chest.
interface |
Cocoa |
interface |
'conditional' denotes whether this command block is conditional or not, i.e.
interface |
'mode' indicates what mode this comparator will operate in.
interface |
CoralWallFan |
interface |
'inverted' denotes whether this daylight detector is in the inverted mode,
interface |
Similar to
Powerable , 'triggered' indicates whether or not the
dispenser is currently activated. |
interface |
'hinge' indicates which hinge this door is attached to and will rotate around
when opened.
interface |
EnderChest |
interface |
'eye' denotes whether this end portal frame has been activated by having an
eye of ender placed in it.
interface |
The 'moisture' level of farmland indicates how close it is to a water source
(if any).
interface |
Fence |
interface |
md_5's mixtape.
interface |
Furnace |
interface |
'in_wall" indicates if the fence gate is attached to a wall, and if true the
texture is lowered by a small amount to blend in better.
interface |
GlassPane |
interface |
Grindstone |
interface |
Similar to
Powerable , 'enabled' indicates whether or not the hopper
is currently activated. |
interface |
'orientation' is the direction the block is facing.
interface |
'has_record' is a quick flag to check whether this jukebox has a record
inside it.
interface |
Ladder |
interface |
'hanging' denotes whether the lantern is hanging from a block.
interface |
'persistent' indicates whether or not leaves will be checked by the server to
see if they are subject to decay or not.
interface |
'has_book' is a quick flag to check whether this lectern has a book inside
interface |
'instrument' is the type of sound made when this note block is activated.
interface |
Observer |
interface |
'extended' denotes whether the piston head is currently extended or not.
interface |
'short' denotes this piston head is shorter than the usual amount because it
is currently retracting.
interface |
A type of minecart rail which interacts with redstone in one way or another.
interface |
RedstoneWallTorch |
interface |
'north', 'east', 'south', 'west' represent the types of connections this
redstone wire has to adjacent blocks.
interface |
'delay' is the propagation delay of a repeater, i.e.
interface |
'charges' represents the amount of times the anchor may still be used.
interface |
'stage' represents the growth stage of a sapling.
interface |
'bottom' indicates whether the scaffolding is floating or not.
interface |
'pickles' indicates the number of pickles in this block.
interface |
Sign |
interface |
'type' represents what state the slab is in - either top, bottom, or a double
slab occupying the full block.
interface |
'layers' represents the amount of layers of snow which are present in this
interface |
'shape' represents the texture and bounding box shape of these stairs.
interface |
'mode' represents the different modes in which this structure block may
interface |
Switch |
interface |
'type' represents the type of piston which this (technical) block corresponds
interface |
'unstable' indicates whether this TNT will explode on punching.
interface |
TrapDoor |
interface |
'disarmed' denotes that the tripwire was broken with shears and will not
subsequently produce a current when destroyed.
interface |
TripwireHook |
interface |
'hatch' is the number of turtles which may hatch from these eggs.
interface |
This class encompasses the 'north', 'east', 'south', 'west', height flags
which are used to set the height of a wall.
interface |
WallSign |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull BlockData |
Get the data for the falling block
@Nullable BlockData |
Gets the data of the block that the Enderman is carrying.
@NotNull BlockData |
Gets the display block for this minecart.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Player.sendBlockChange(@NotNull Location loc,
@NotNull BlockData block)
Send a block change.
void |
Enderman.setCarriedBlock(@Nullable BlockData blockData)
Sets the data of the block that the Enderman is carrying.
void |
Minecart.setDisplayBlockData(@Nullable BlockData blockData)
Sets the display block for this minecart.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected BlockData |
BlockCanBuildEvent.blockData |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull BlockData |
Gets the BlockData that we are trying to place.
@NotNull BlockData |
Gets the new data of the changed block.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
FluidLevelChangeEvent.setNewData(@NotNull BlockData newData)
Sets the new data of the changed block.
Constructor and Description |
BlockCanBuildEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockData type,
boolean canBuild)
BlockCanBuildEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@Nullable Player player,
@NotNull BlockData type,
boolean canBuild) |
BlockPhysicsEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockData changed) |
BlockPhysicsEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockData changed,
@NotNull Block sourceBlock) |
BlockPhysicsEvent(Block block,
BlockData changed,
int sourceX,
int sourceY,
int sourceZ)
FluidLevelChangeEvent(@NotNull Block theBlock,
@NotNull BlockData newData) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull BlockData |
Gets the data for the block that would be changed into
Constructor and Description |
EntityChangeBlockEvent(@NotNull Entity what,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockData to) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull BlockData |
ChunkGenerator.ChunkData.getBlockData(int x,
int y,
int z)
Get the type and data of the block at x, y, z.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ChunkGenerator.ChunkData.setBlock(int x,
int y,
int z,
@NotNull BlockData blockData)
Set the block at x,y,z in the chunk data to material.
void |
ChunkGenerator.ChunkData.setRegion(int xMin,
int yMin,
int zMin,
int xMax,
int yMax,
int zMax,
@NotNull BlockData blockData)
Set a region of this chunk from xMin, yMin, zMin (inclusive) to xMax,
yMax, zMax (exclusive) to material.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull BlockData |
BlockDataMeta.getBlockData(@NotNull Material material)
Returns the currently attached block data for this item or creates a new
one if one doesn't exist.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BlockDataMeta.setBlockData(@NotNull BlockData blockData)
Attaches a copy of the passed block data to the item.
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