, including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc.See: Description
Interface | Description |
AbstractArrow |
Represents an arrow.
AbstractHorse |
Represents a Horse-like creature.
AbstractVillager |
Represents a villager NPC
Ageable |
Represents an entity that can age.
Ambient |
Represents an ambient mob
Animals |
Represents an Animal.
AnimalTamer | |
AreaEffectCloud |
Represents an area effect cloud which will imbue a potion effect onto
entities which enter it.
ArmorStand | |
Arrow | |
Bat |
Represents a Bat
Bee |
Represents a Bee.
Blaze |
Represents a Blaze monster
Boat |
Represents a boat entity.
Boss |
Represents the Boss Entity.
Breedable |
Represents an entity that can age and breed.
Cat |
CaveSpider |
Represents a Spider.
ChestedHorse |
Represents Horse-like creatures which can carry an inventory.
Chicken |
Represents a Chicken.
Cod |
Represents a cod fish.
ComplexEntityPart |
Represents a single part of a
ComplexLivingEntity |
ComplexLivingEntity |
Represents a complex living entity - one that is made up of various smaller
Cow |
Represents a Cow.
Creature |
Represents a Creature.
Creeper |
Represents a Creeper
Damageable |
Represents an
Entity that has health and can take damage. |
Dolphin | |
Donkey |
Represents a Donkey - variant of
ChestedHorse . |
DragonFireball | |
Drowned |
Drowned zombie.
Egg |
Represents a thrown egg.
ElderGuardian |
Represents an ElderGuardian - variant of
Guardian . |
EnderCrystal |
A crystal that heals nearby EnderDragons
EnderDragon |
Represents an Ender Dragon
EnderDragonPart |
Represents an ender dragon part
Enderman |
Represents an Enderman.
Endermite | |
EnderPearl |
Represents a thrown Ender Pearl entity
EnderSignal |
Represents an EnderSignal, which is created upon throwing an ender eye.
Entity |
Represents a base entity in the world
Evoker |
Represents an Evoker "Illager".
EvokerFangs |
Represents Evoker Fangs.
ExperienceOrb |
Represents an Experience Orb.
Explosive |
A representation of an explosive entity
FallingBlock |
Represents a falling block
Fireball |
Represents a Fireball.
Firework | |
Fish |
Represents a fish entity.
FishHook |
Represents a fishing hook.
Flying |
Represents a Flying Entity.
Fox |
What does the fox say?
Ghast |
Represents a Ghast.
Giant |
Represents a Giant.
Golem |
A mechanical creature that may harm enemies.
Guardian | |
Hanging |
Represents a Hanging entity
Hoglin |
Represents a Hoglin.
Horse |
Represents a Horse.
HumanEntity |
Represents a human entity, such as an NPC or a player
Husk |
Represents a Husk - variant of
Zombie . |
Illager |
Represents a type of "Illager".
Illusioner |
Represents an Illusioner "Illager".
IronGolem |
An iron Golem that protects Villages.
Item |
Represents a dropped item.
ItemFrame |
Represents an Item Frame
LargeFireball |
Represents a large
Fireball |
LeashHitch |
Represents a Leash Hitch on a fence
LightningStrike |
Represents an instance of a lightning strike.
LingeringPotion | Deprecated
lingering status depends on only on the potion item.
LivingEntity |
Represents a living entity, such as a monster or player
Llama |
Represents a Llama.
LlamaSpit |
Represents Llama spit.
MagmaCube |
Represents a MagmaCube.
Minecart |
Represents a minecart entity.
Mob |
Represents a Mob.
Monster |
Represents a Monster.
Mule |
Represents a Mule - variant of
ChestedHorse . |
MushroomCow |
Represents a mushroom
Cow |
Represents a non-player character
Ocelot |
A wild tameable cat
Painting |
Represents a Painting.
Panda |
Panda entity.
Parrot |
Represents a Parrot.
Phantom |
Represents a phantom.
Pig |
Represents a Pig.
Piglin |
Represents a Piglin.
PiglinAbstract |
Piglin / Piglin Brute.
PiglinBrute |
Represents a Piglin Brute.
PigZombie |
Represents a Pig Zombie.
Pillager |
Illager entity.
Player |
Represents a player, connected or not
PolarBear |
Represents a polar bear.
Projectile |
Represents a shootable entity.
PufferFish |
Represents a puffer fish.
Rabbit | |
Raider | |
Ravager |
Illager beast.
Salmon |
Represents a salmon fish.
Sheep |
Represents a Sheep.
Shulker | |
ShulkerBullet | |
Silverfish |
Represents a Silverfish.
Sittable |
An animal that can sit still.
SizedFireball |
Represents a sized fireball.
Skeleton |
Represents a Skeleton.
SkeletonHorse |
Represents a SkeletonHorse - variant of
AbstractHorse . |
Slime |
Represents a Slime.
SmallFireball |
Represents a small
Fireball |
Snowball |
Represents a snowball.
Snowman |
Represents a snowman entity
SpectralArrow |
Represents a spectral arrow.
Spellcaster |
Represents a spell casting "Illager".
Spider |
Represents a Spider.
SplashPotion | Deprecated
splash status depends on only on the potion item.
Squid |
Represents a Squid.
Steerable |
Represents an entity which may be saddled, ridden and steered using an item.
Stray |
Represents a Stray - variant of
Skeleton . |
Strider |
Represents a Strider.
Tameable | |
ThrowableProjectile | |
ThrownExpBottle |
Represents a thrown Experience bottle.
ThrownPotion |
Represents a thrown potion bottle
TippedArrow | Deprecated
tipped status depends only on base potion type not being
UNCRAFTABLE and effects being empty.
TNTPrimed |
Represents a Primed TNT.
TraderLlama |
Represents a trader Llama.
Trident |
Represents a thrown trident.
TropicalFish |
Tropical fish.
Turtle |
Represents a turtle.
Vehicle |
Represents a vehicle entity.
Vex |
Represents a Vex.
Villager |
Represents a villager NPC
Vindicator |
Represents a Vindicator.
WanderingTrader |
Represents a wandering trader NPC
WaterMob |
Represents a Water Mob
Witch |
Represents a Witch
Wither |
Represents a Wither boss
WitherSkeleton |
Represents a WitherSkeleton - variant of
Skeleton . |
WitherSkull |
Represents a wither skull
Fireball . |
Wolf |
Represents a Wolf
Zoglin |
Represents a Zoglin.
Zombie |
Represents a Zombie.
ZombieHorse |
Represents a ZombieHorse - variant of
AbstractHorse . |
ZombieVillager |
Class | Description |
Entity.Spigot | |
LightningStrike.Spigot | |
Player.Spigot |
Enum | Description |
AbstractArrow.PickupRule | Deprecated |
AbstractArrow.PickupStatus |
Represents the pickup status of this arrow.
ArmorStand.LockType |
Represents types of locking mechanisms for ArmorStand equipment.
Cat.Type |
Represents the various different cat types there are.
EnderDragon.Phase |
Represents a phase or action that an Ender Dragon can perform.
EntityCategory |
A classification of entities which may behave differently than others or be
affected uniquely by enchantments and potion effects among other things.
EntityType | |
Evoker.Spell | Deprecated
future versions of Minecraft have additional spell casting
ExperienceOrb.SpawnReason |
Reasons for why this Experience Orb was spawned
FishHook.HookState |
Represents a state in which a fishing hook may be.
Fox.Type |
Represents the various different fox types there are.
Horse.Color |
Represents the base color that the horse has.
Horse.Style |
Represents the style, or markings, that the horse has.
Horse.Variant | Deprecated
different variants are differing classes
Llama.Color |
Represents the base color that the llama has.
MushroomCow.Variant |
Represents the variant of a cow - ie its color.
Ocelot.Type | Deprecated
Cats are now a separate entity.
Panda.Gene | |
Parrot.Variant |
Represents the variant of a parrot - ie its color.
Pose |
Represents an entity body pose.
Rabbit.Type |
Represents the various types a Rabbit might be.
Skeleton.SkeletonType | Deprecated |
Spellcaster.Spell |
Represents the current spell the entity is using.
TropicalFish.Pattern |
Enumeration of all different fish patterns.
Villager.Profession |
Represents the various different Villager professions there may be.
Villager.Type |
Represents Villager type, usually corresponding to what biome they spawn
, including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc.Copyright © 2022. All rights reserved.