See: Description
Class | Description |
AreaEffectCloudApplyEvent |
Called when a lingering potion applies it's effects.
ArrowBodyCountChangeEvent |
Called when an arrow enters or exists an entity's body.
BatToggleSleepEvent |
Called when a bat attempts to sleep or wake up from its slumber.
CreatureSpawnEvent |
Called when a creature is spawned into a world.
CreeperPowerEvent |
Called when a Creeper is struck by lightning.
EnderDragonChangePhaseEvent |
Called when an EnderDragon switches controller phase.
EntityAirChangeEvent |
Called when the amount of air an entity has remaining changes.
EntityBreakDoorEvent |
Called when an
Entity breaks a door |
EntityBreedEvent |
Called when one Entity breeds with another Entity.
EntityChangeBlockEvent |
Called when any Entity changes a block and a more specific event is not available.
EntityCombustByBlockEvent |
Called when a block causes an entity to combust.
EntityCombustByEntityEvent |
Called when an entity causes another entity to combust.
EntityCombustEvent |
Called when an entity combusts.
EntityCreatePortalEvent | Deprecated |
EntityDamageByBlockEvent |
Called when an entity is damaged by a block
EntityDamageByEntityEvent |
Called when an entity is damaged by an entity
EntityDamageEvent |
Stores data for damage events
EntityDeathEvent |
Thrown whenever a LivingEntity dies
EntityDropItemEvent |
Thrown when an entity creates an item drop.
EntityEnterBlockEvent |
Called when an
Entity enters a block and is stored in that block. |
EntityEnterLoveModeEvent |
Called when an entity enters love mode.
EntityEvent |
Represents an Entity-related event
EntityExhaustionEvent |
Called when a human entity experiences exhaustion.
EntityExplodeEvent |
Called when an entity explodes
EntityInteractEvent |
Called when an entity interacts with an object
EntityPickupItemEvent |
Thrown when a entity picks an item up from the ground
EntityPlaceEvent |
Triggered when a entity is created in the world by a player "placing" an item
on a block.
EntityPortalEnterEvent |
Called when an entity comes into contact with a portal
EntityPortalEvent |
Called when a non-player entity is about to teleport because it is in
contact with a portal.
EntityPortalExitEvent |
Called before an entity exits a portal.
EntityPoseChangeEvent |
Called when an entity changes its pose.
EntityPotionEffectEvent |
Called when a potion effect is modified on an entity.
EntityRegainHealthEvent |
Stores data for health-regain events
EntityResurrectEvent |
Called when an entity dies and may have the opportunity to be resurrected.
EntityShootBowEvent |
Called when a LivingEntity shoots a bow firing an arrow
EntitySpawnEvent |
Called when an entity is spawned into a world.
EntitySpellCastEvent |
Called when a
Spellcaster casts a spell. |
EntityTameEvent |
Thrown when a LivingEntity is tamed
EntityTargetEvent |
Called when a creature targets or untargets another entity
EntityTargetLivingEntityEvent |
Called when an Entity targets a
LivingEntity and can only target
LivingEntity's. |
EntityTeleportEvent |
Thrown when a non-player entity is teleported from one location to another.
EntityToggleGlideEvent |
Sent when an entity's gliding status is toggled with an Elytra.
EntityToggleSwimEvent |
Sent when an entity's swimming status is toggled.
EntityTransformEvent |
Called when an entity is about to be replaced by another entity.
EntityUnleashEvent |
Called immediately prior to an entity being unleashed.
ExpBottleEvent |
Called when a ThrownExpBottle hits and releases experience.
ExplosionPrimeEvent |
Called when an entity has made a decision to explode.
FireworkExplodeEvent |
Called when a firework explodes.
FoodLevelChangeEvent |
Called when a human entity's food level changes
HorseJumpEvent |
Called when a horse jumps.
ItemDespawnEvent |
This event is called when a
Item is removed from
the world because it has existed for 5 minutes. |
ItemMergeEvent | |
ItemSpawnEvent |
Called when an item is spawned into a world
LingeringPotionSplashEvent |
Called when a splash potion hits an area
PiglinBarterEvent |
Stores all data related to the bartering interaction with a piglin.
PigZapEvent |
Stores data for pigs being zapped
PigZombieAngerEvent |
Called when a Pig Zombie is angered by another entity.
PlayerDeathEvent |
Thrown whenever a
Player dies |
PlayerLeashEntityEvent |
Called immediately prior to a creature being leashed by a player.
PotionSplashEvent |
Called when a splash potion hits an area
ProjectileHitEvent |
Called when a projectile hits an object
ProjectileLaunchEvent |
Called when a projectile is launched.
SheepDyeWoolEvent |
Called when a sheep's wool is dyed
SheepRegrowWoolEvent |
Called when a sheep regrows its wool
SlimeSplitEvent |
Called when a Slime splits into smaller Slimes upon death
SpawnerSpawnEvent |
Called when an entity is spawned into a world by a spawner.
StriderTemperatureChangeEvent |
Called when a
Strider 's temperature has changed as a result of
entering or existing blocks it considers warm. |
VillagerAcquireTradeEvent |
Called whenever a villager acquires a new trade.
VillagerCareerChangeEvent | |
VillagerReplenishTradeEvent |
Called when a villager's trade's maximum uses is increased, due to a player's
Enum | Description |
CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason |
An enum to specify the type of spawning
CreeperPowerEvent.PowerCause |
An enum to specify the cause of the change in power
EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause |
An enum to specify the cause of the damage
EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier | Deprecated
This API is responsible for a large number of implementation
problems and is in general unsustainable to maintain.
EntityExhaustionEvent.ExhaustionReason |
The reason for why a PlayerExhaustionEvent takes place
EntityPotionEffectEvent.Action |
An enum to specify the action to be performed.
EntityPotionEffectEvent.Cause |
An enum to specify the cause why an effect was changed.
EntityRegainHealthEvent.RegainReason |
An enum to specify the type of health regaining that is occurring
EntityTargetEvent.TargetReason |
An enum to specify the reason for the targeting
EntityTransformEvent.TransformReason | |
EntityUnleashEvent.UnleashReason | |
VillagerCareerChangeEvent.ChangeReason |
Reasons for the villager's profession changing.
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