Package | Description |
com.destroystokyo.paper | | | | | |
org.bukkit |
The root package of the Bukkit API, contains generalized API classes.
org.bukkit.block |
Classes used to manipulate the voxels in a
world ,
including special states. |
org.bukkit.entity |
Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a
world , including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc. |
org.bukkit.event.player | | |
Events related to raids. | |
Events relating to weather. | | |
org.bukkit.generator |
Classes to facilitate
world generation
implementation. | |
Classes to facilitate plugin handling of
map displays. |
org.bukkit.util |
Multi and single purpose classes to facilitate various programmatic
org.bukkit.util.noise |
Classes dedicated to facilitating deterministic noise.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull ParticleBuilder |
ParticleBuilder.location(@NotNull World world,
double x,
double y,
double z)
Sets the location of where to spawn the particle
Constructor and Description |
StructureLocateEvent(@NotNull World world,
@NotNull Location origin,
@NotNull StructureType structureType,
int radius,
boolean findUnexplored) |
WorldGameRuleChangeEvent(@NotNull World world,
@Nullable CommandSender commandSender,
@NotNull GameRule<?> gameRule,
@NotNull String value) |
Constructor and Description |
WorldBorderBoundsChangeEvent(@NotNull World world,
@NotNull WorldBorder worldBorder,
@NotNull WorldBorderBoundsChangeEvent.Type type,
double oldSize,
double newSize,
long duration) |
WorldBorderBoundsChangeFinishEvent(@NotNull World world,
@NotNull WorldBorder worldBorder,
double oldSize,
double newSize,
double duration) |
WorldBorderCenterChangeEvent(@NotNull World world,
@NotNull WorldBorder worldBorder,
@NotNull Location oldCenter,
@NotNull Location newCenter) |
WorldBorderEvent(@NotNull World world,
@NotNull WorldBorder worldBorder) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable World |
Creates a world with the specified options.
@Nullable World |
Server.createWorld(@NotNull WorldCreator creator)
Creates or loads a world with the given name using the specified
static @Nullable World |
Bukkit.createWorld(@NotNull WorldCreator creator)
Creates or loads a world with the given name using the specified
World |
Gets the world that this location resides in
@NotNull World |
Gets the world containing this chunk
@Nullable World |
Server.getWorld(@NotNull NamespacedKey worldKey)
Gets the world from the given NamespacedKey
static @Nullable World |
Bukkit.getWorld(@NotNull NamespacedKey worldKey)
Gets the world from the given NamespacedKey
@Nullable World |
Server.getWorld(@NotNull String name)
Gets the world with the given name.
static @Nullable World |
Bukkit.getWorld(@NotNull String name)
Gets the world with the given name.
@Nullable World |
Server.getWorld(@NotNull UUID uid)
Gets the world from the given Unique ID.
static @Nullable World |
Bukkit.getWorld(@NotNull UUID uid)
Gets the world from the given Unique ID.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull WorldCreator |
WorldCreator.copy(@NotNull World world)
Copies the options from the specified world
ChunkGenerator.ChunkData |
Server.createChunkData(@NotNull World world)
Create a ChunkData for use in a generator.
static ChunkGenerator.ChunkData |
Bukkit.createChunkData(@NotNull World world)
Create a ChunkData for use in a generator.
@NotNull ItemStack |
Server.createExplorerMap(@NotNull World world,
@NotNull Location location,
@NotNull StructureType structureType)
Create a new explorer map targeting the closest nearby structure of a
StructureType . |
static @NotNull ItemStack |
Bukkit.createExplorerMap(@NotNull World world,
@NotNull Location location,
@NotNull StructureType structureType)
Create a new explorer map targeting the closest nearby structure of a
StructureType . |
@NotNull ItemStack |
Server.createExplorerMap(@NotNull World world,
@NotNull Location location,
@NotNull StructureType structureType,
int radius,
boolean findUnexplored)
Create a new explorer map targeting the closest nearby structure of a
StructureType . |
static @NotNull ItemStack |
Bukkit.createExplorerMap(@NotNull World world,
@NotNull Location location,
@NotNull StructureType structureType,
int radius,
boolean findUnexplored)
Create a new explorer map targeting the closest nearby structure of a
StructureType . |
@NotNull MapView |
Server.createMap(@NotNull World world)
Create a new map with an automatically assigned ID.
static @NotNull MapView |
Bukkit.createMap(@NotNull World world)
Create a new map with an automatically assigned ID.
ChunkGenerator.ChunkData |
Server.createVanillaChunkData(@NotNull World world,
int x,
int z)
Create a ChunkData for use in a generator, that is populated by the vanilla generator for that world
static ChunkGenerator.ChunkData |
Bukkit.createVanillaChunkData(@NotNull World world,
int x,
int z)
Create a ChunkData for use in a generator, that is populated by the vanilla generator for that world
void |
Location.setWorld(@Nullable World world)
Sets the world that this location resides in
boolean |
Server.unloadWorld(@NotNull World world,
boolean save)
Unloads the given world.
static boolean |
Bukkit.unloadWorld(@NotNull World world,
boolean save)
Unloads the given world.
Constructor and Description |
Location(World world,
double x,
double y,
double z)
Constructs a new Location with the given coordinates
Location(World world,
double x,
double y,
double z,
float yaw,
float pitch)
Constructs a new Location with the given coordinates and direction
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable World |
DoubleChest.getWorld() |
@NotNull World |
Gets the world which contains the block represented by this block state.
@NotNull World |
Gets the world which contains this Block
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull World |
Gets the current world this entity resides in
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull World |
Gets the world the player is switching from.
Constructor and Description |
PlayerChangedWorldEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull World from) |
Constructor and Description |
RaidEvent(@NotNull Raid raid,
@NotNull World world) |
RaidFinishEvent(@NotNull Raid raid,
@NotNull World world,
@NotNull List<Player> winners) |
RaidSpawnWaveEvent(@NotNull Raid raid,
@NotNull World world,
@Nullable Raider leader,
@NotNull List<Raider> raiders) |
RaidStopEvent(@NotNull Raid raid,
@NotNull World world,
@NotNull RaidStopEvent.Reason reason) |
RaidTriggerEvent(@NotNull Raid raid,
@NotNull World world,
@NotNull Player player) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected World | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull World |
Returns the World where this event is occurring
Constructor and Description |
LightningStrikeEvent(@NotNull World world,
@NotNull LightningStrike bolt)
LightningStrikeEvent(@NotNull World world,
@NotNull LightningStrike bolt,
@NotNull LightningStrikeEvent.Cause cause) |
ThunderChangeEvent(@NotNull World world,
boolean to)
ThunderChangeEvent(@NotNull World world,
boolean to,
@NotNull ThunderChangeEvent.Cause cause) |
WeatherChangeEvent(@NotNull World world,
boolean to)
WeatherChangeEvent(@NotNull World world,
boolean to,
@NotNull WeatherChangeEvent.Cause cause) |
WeatherEvent(@NotNull World where) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull World |
Gets the world primarily involved with this event
Constructor and Description |
LootGenerateEvent(@NotNull World world,
@Nullable Entity entity,
@Nullable InventoryHolder inventoryHolder,
@NotNull LootTable lootTable,
@NotNull LootContext lootContext,
@NotNull List<ItemStack> items,
boolean plugin) |
PortalCreateEvent(@NotNull List<BlockState> blocks,
@NotNull World world,
@Nullable Entity entity,
@NotNull PortalCreateEvent.CreateReason reason) |
PortalCreateEvent(@NotNull List<BlockState> blocks,
@NotNull World world,
@NotNull PortalCreateEvent.CreateReason reason)
SpawnChangeEvent(@NotNull World world,
@NotNull Location previousLocation) |
TimeSkipEvent(@NotNull World world,
@NotNull TimeSkipEvent.SkipReason skipReason,
@NotNull long skipAmount) |
WorldEvent(@NotNull World world) |
WorldInitEvent(@NotNull World world) |
WorldLoadEvent(@NotNull World world) |
WorldSaveEvent(@NotNull World world) |
WorldUnloadEvent(@NotNull World world) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ChunkGenerator.canSpawn(@NotNull World world,
int x,
int z)
Tests if the specified location is valid for a natural spawn position
protected @NotNull ChunkGenerator.ChunkData |
ChunkGenerator.createChunkData(@NotNull World world)
Create a ChunkData for a world.
@NotNull ChunkGenerator.ChunkData |
ChunkGenerator.createVanillaChunkData(@NotNull World world,
int x,
int z)
Create a ChunkData for use in a generator, that is populated by the vanilla generator for that world
@NotNull ChunkGenerator.ChunkData |
ChunkGenerator.generateChunkData(@NotNull World world,
@NotNull Random random,
int x,
int z,
@NotNull ChunkGenerator.BiomeGrid biome)
Shapes the chunk for the given coordinates.
@NotNull List<BlockPopulator> |
ChunkGenerator.getDefaultPopulators(@NotNull World world)
Gets a list of default
BlockPopulator s to apply to a given
world |
@Nullable Location |
ChunkGenerator.getFixedSpawnLocation(@NotNull World world,
@NotNull Random random)
Gets a fixed spawn location to use for a given world.
abstract void |
BlockPopulator.populate(@NotNull World world,
@NotNull Random random,
@NotNull Chunk source)
Populates an area of blocks at or around the given chunk.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable World |
Get the world that this map is associated with.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MapView.setWorld(@NotNull World world)
Set the world that this map is associated with.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull Location |
Vector.toLocation(@NotNull World world)
Gets a Location version of this vector with yaw and pitch being 0.
@NotNull Location |
Vector.toLocation(@NotNull World world,
float yaw,
float pitch)
Gets a Location version of this vector.
Constructor and Description |
BlockIterator(@NotNull World world,
@NotNull Vector start,
@NotNull Vector direction,
double yOffset,
int maxDistance)
Constructs the BlockIterator.
Constructor and Description |
PerlinNoiseGenerator(@NotNull World world)
Creates a seeded perlin noise generator for the given world
PerlinOctaveGenerator(@NotNull World world,
int octaves)
Creates a perlin octave generator for the given world
SimplexNoiseGenerator(@NotNull World world)
Creates a seeded simplex noise generator for the given world
SimplexOctaveGenerator(@NotNull World world,
int octaves)
Creates a simplex octave generator for the given world
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