Package | Description |
com.destroystokyo.paper.entity | |
com.destroystokyo.paper.loottable | |
org.bukkit |
The root package of the Bukkit API, contains generalized API classes.
org.bukkit.block |
Classes used to manipulate the voxels in a
world ,
including special states. |
org.bukkit.entity |
Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a
world , including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc. |
org.bukkit.entity.minecart |
Interfaces for various
Minecart types. | | |
org.bukkit.loot |
Classes relevant to loot table manipulation and generation.
Class and Description |
Lootable |
Class and Description |
Lootable |
Class and Description |
LootTables are technical files that represent what items should be in
naturally generated containers, what items should be dropped when killing a
mob, or what items can be fished.
This enum holds a list of all known
LootTable s offered by Mojang. |
Class and Description |
Lootable |
Class and Description |
Lootable |
Class and Description |
Lootable |
Class and Description |
Represents additional information a
LootTable can use to modify it's
generated loot. |
LootTables are technical files that represent what items should be in
naturally generated containers, what items should be dropped when killing a
mob, or what items can be fished.
Class and Description |
Represents additional information a
LootTable can use to modify it's
generated loot. |
Utility class to make building
LootContext easier. |
LootTables are technical files that represent what items should be in
naturally generated containers, what items should be dropped when killing a
mob, or what items can be fished.
This enum holds a list of all known
LootTable s offered by Mojang. |
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