Package | Description |
com.destroystokyo.paper | |
com.destroystokyo.paper.block | |
com.destroystokyo.paper.event.block | |
com.destroystokyo.paper.loottable | |
org.bukkit |
The root package of the Bukkit API, contains generalized API classes.
org.bukkit.block |
Classes used to manipulate the voxels in a
world ,
including special states. |
org.bukkit.command |
Classes relating to handling specialized non-chat player input.
org.bukkit.entity |
Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a
world , including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc. |
org.bukkit.event.block | |
org.bukkit.event.enchantment |
Events triggered from an enchantment table . |
org.bukkit.event.entity | |
org.bukkit.event.hanging |
Events relating to entities that hang . |
org.bukkit.event.inventory | |
org.bukkit.event.player | |
org.bukkit.event.vehicle |
Events relating to vehicular entities . |
org.bukkit.inventory |
Classes involved in manipulating player inventories and item interactions.
org.bukkit.projectiles |
Classes to represent the source of a projectile
org.bukkit.util |
Multi and single purpose classes to facilitate various programmatic
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
MaterialSetTag.isTagged(@NotNull Block block) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull Block |
Get the block that is targeted
@NotNull Block |
Get the relative Block to the targeted block on the side it is targeted at
Constructor and Description |
TargetBlockInfo(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace) |
Constructor and Description |
BeaconEffectEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull PotionEffect effect,
@NotNull Player player,
boolean primary) |
BlockDestroyEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockData newState,
boolean willDrop) |
TNTPrimeEvent(@NotNull Block theBlock,
@NotNull TNTPrimeEvent.PrimeReason reason,
@Nullable Entity primerEntity) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull Block |
Gets the block that is lootable
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull Block |
Gets the block at the represented location
@NotNull Block |
Chunk.getBlock(int x,
int y,
int z)
Gets a block from this chunk
@NotNull Block |
World.getBlockAt(int x,
int y,
int z)
Gets the
Block at the given coordinates |
@NotNull Block |
World.getBlockAt(@NotNull Location location)
default @NotNull Block |
World.getBlockAtKey(long key)
Gets the
Block at the given block key |
@NotNull Block |
World.getHighestBlockAt(int x,
int z)
Gets the highest non-empty (impassable) block at the given coordinates.
@NotNull Block |
World.getHighestBlockAt(int x,
int z,
@NotNull HeightMap heightMap)
Gets the highest block corresponding to the
HeightMap at the
given coordinates. |
default @NotNull Block |
World.getHighestBlockAt(int x,
int z,
HeightmapType heightmap)
Upstream has added support for this, use
World.getHighestBlockAt(int, int, HeightMap) |
@NotNull Block |
World.getHighestBlockAt(@NotNull Location location)
Gets the highest non-empty (impassable) block at the given coordinates.
@NotNull Block |
World.getHighestBlockAt(@NotNull Location location,
@NotNull HeightMap heightMap)
Gets the highest block corresponding to the
HeightMap at the
given coordinates. |
default @NotNull Block |
World.getHighestBlockAt(@NotNull Location location,
HeightmapType heightmap)
Upstream has added support for this, use
World.getHighestBlockAt(Location, HeightMap) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull Chunk |
World.getChunkAt(@NotNull Block block)
default CompletableFuture<Chunk> |
World.getChunkAtAsync(@NotNull Block block)
Requests a
Chunk to be loaded at the given coordinates
This method makes no guarantee on how fast the chunk will load,
and will return the chunk to the callback at a later time. |
default CompletableFuture<Chunk> |
World.getChunkAtAsync(@NotNull Block block,
boolean gen)
Requests a
Chunk to be loaded at the given coordinates
This method makes no guarantee on how fast the chunk will load,
and will return the chunk to the callback at a later time. |
default void |
World.getChunkAtAsync(@NotNull Block block,
boolean gen,
Consumer<Chunk> cb)
default void |
World.getChunkAtAsync(@NotNull Block block,
Consumer<Chunk> cb)
default void |
World.getChunkAtAsync(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull World.ChunkLoadCallback cb)
Use either the Future or the Consumer based methods
default CompletableFuture<Chunk> |
World.getChunkAtAsyncUrgently(@NotNull Block block)
Requests a
Chunk to be loaded at the given coordinates
This method makes no guarantee on how fast the chunk will load,
and will return the chunk to the callback at a later time. |
default CompletableFuture<Chunk> |
World.getChunkAtAsyncUrgently(@NotNull Block block,
boolean gen)
Requests a
Chunk to be loaded at the given coordinates
This method makes no guarantee on how fast the chunk will load,
and will return the chunk to the callback at a later time. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull Block |
Gets the block represented by this block state.
@NotNull Block |
Block.getRelative(@NotNull BlockFace face)
Gets the block at the given face
@NotNull Block |
Block.getRelative(@NotNull BlockFace face,
int distance)
Gets the block at the given distance of the given face
@NotNull Block |
Block.getRelative(int modX,
int modY,
int modZ)
Gets the block at the given offsets
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable BlockFace |
Block.getFace(@NotNull Block block)
Gets the face relation of this block compared to the given block.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull Block |
Returns the block this command sender belongs to
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable Block |
Gets the block to which this arrow is attached.
@Nullable Block |
Gets the block the raider is targeting to patrol.
default @Nullable Block |
LivingEntity.getTargetBlock(int maxDistance)
Gets the block that the living entity has targeted, ignoring fluids
@Nullable Block |
LivingEntity.getTargetBlock(int maxDistance,
TargetBlockInfo.FluidMode fluidMode)
Gets the block that the living entity has targeted
@NotNull Block |
LivingEntity.getTargetBlock(@Nullable Set<Material> transparent,
int maxDistance)
Gets the block that the living entity has targeted.
@Nullable Block |
LivingEntity.getTargetBlockExact(int maxDistance)
Gets the block that the living entity has targeted.
@Nullable Block |
LivingEntity.getTargetBlockExact(int maxDistance,
@NotNull FluidCollisionMode fluidCollisionMode)
Gets the block that the living entity has targeted.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Raider.setPatrolTarget(@Nullable Block block)
Sets the block the raider is targeting to patrol.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Block |
BlockEvent.block |
protected Block |
BlockPlaceEvent.placedAgainst |
protected Block | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull Block |
Gets the block involved in this event.
@NotNull Block |
Gets the block that this block was placed against
@NotNull Block |
Clarity method for getting the placed block.
@Nullable Block |
Gets the block which ignited this block
@Nullable Block |
Gets the block which ignited this block.
@NotNull Block |
Gets the source block involved in this event.
@NotNull Block |
Gets the source block that triggered this event.
@NotNull Block |
Convenience method for getting the faced Block.
Constructor and Description |
BlockBreakEvent(@NotNull Block theBlock,
@NotNull Player player) |
BlockBurnEvent(@NotNull Block block)
BlockBurnEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@Nullable Block ignitingBlock) |
BlockBurnEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@Nullable Block ignitingBlock) |
BlockCanBuildEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockData type,
boolean canBuild)
BlockCanBuildEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@Nullable Player player,
@NotNull BlockData type,
boolean canBuild) |
BlockCookEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull ItemStack source,
@NotNull ItemStack result) |
BlockDamageEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
boolean instaBreak) |
BlockDispenseArmorEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull ItemStack dispensed,
@NotNull LivingEntity target) |
BlockDispenseEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull ItemStack dispensed,
@NotNull Vector velocity) |
BlockDropItemEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockState blockState,
@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull List<Item> items) |
BlockEvent(@NotNull Block theBlock) |
BlockExpEvent(@NotNull Block block,
int exp) |
BlockExplodeEvent(@NotNull Block what,
@NotNull List<Block> blocks,
float yield) |
BlockFadeEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockState newState) |
BlockFertilizeEvent(@NotNull Block theBlock,
@Nullable Player player,
@NotNull List<BlockState> blocks) |
BlockFormEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockState newState) |
BlockFromToEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block toBlock) |
BlockFromToEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block toBlock) |
BlockFromToEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockFace face) |
BlockGrowEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockState newState) |
BlockIgniteEvent(@NotNull Block theBlock,
@NotNull BlockIgniteEvent.IgniteCause cause,
@NotNull Block ignitingBlock) |
BlockIgniteEvent(@NotNull Block theBlock,
@NotNull BlockIgniteEvent.IgniteCause cause,
@NotNull Block ignitingBlock) |
BlockIgniteEvent(@NotNull Block theBlock,
@NotNull BlockIgniteEvent.IgniteCause cause,
@NotNull Entity ignitingEntity) |
BlockIgniteEvent(@NotNull Block theBlock,
@NotNull BlockIgniteEvent.IgniteCause cause,
@Nullable Entity ignitingEntity,
@Nullable Block ignitingBlock) |
BlockIgniteEvent(@NotNull Block theBlock,
@NotNull BlockIgniteEvent.IgniteCause cause,
@Nullable Entity ignitingEntity,
@Nullable Block ignitingBlock) |
BlockMultiPlaceEvent(@NotNull List<BlockState> states,
@NotNull Block clicked,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@NotNull Player thePlayer,
boolean canBuild)
BlockMultiPlaceEvent(@NotNull List<BlockState> states,
@NotNull Block clicked,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@NotNull Player thePlayer,
boolean canBuild,
EquipmentSlot hand) |
BlockPhysicsEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockData changed) |
BlockPhysicsEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockData changed,
@NotNull Block sourceBlock) |
BlockPhysicsEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockData changed,
@NotNull Block sourceBlock) |
BlockPhysicsEvent(Block block,
BlockData changed,
int sourceX,
int sourceY,
int sourceZ)
BlockPistonEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockFace direction) |
BlockPistonExtendEvent(@NotNull Block block,
int length,
@NotNull BlockFace direction)
BlockPistonExtendEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull List<Block> blocks,
@NotNull BlockFace direction) |
BlockPistonRetractEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull List<Block> blocks,
@NotNull BlockFace direction) |
BlockPlaceEvent(@NotNull Block placedBlock,
@NotNull BlockState replacedBlockState,
@NotNull Block placedAgainst,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@NotNull Player thePlayer,
boolean canBuild)
BlockPlaceEvent(@NotNull Block placedBlock,
@NotNull BlockState replacedBlockState,
@NotNull Block placedAgainst,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@NotNull Player thePlayer,
boolean canBuild)
BlockPlaceEvent(@NotNull Block placedBlock,
@NotNull BlockState replacedBlockState,
@NotNull Block placedAgainst,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@NotNull Player thePlayer,
boolean canBuild,
@NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) |
BlockPlaceEvent(@NotNull Block placedBlock,
@NotNull BlockState replacedBlockState,
@NotNull Block placedAgainst,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@NotNull Player thePlayer,
boolean canBuild,
@NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) |
BlockRedstoneEvent(@NotNull Block block,
int oldCurrent,
int newCurrent) |
BlockShearEntityEvent(@NotNull Block dispenser,
@NotNull Entity sheared,
@NotNull ItemStack tool) |
BlockSpreadEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block source,
@NotNull BlockState newState) |
BlockSpreadEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block source,
@NotNull BlockState newState) |
CauldronLevelChangeEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@Nullable Entity entity,
@NotNull CauldronLevelChangeEvent.ChangeReason reason,
int oldLevel,
int newLevel) |
EntityBlockFormEvent(@NotNull Entity entity,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockState blockstate) |
FluidLevelChangeEvent(@NotNull Block theBlock,
@NotNull BlockData newData) |
LeavesDecayEvent(@NotNull Block block) |
MoistureChangeEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockState newState) |
NotePlayEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Instrument instrument,
@NotNull Note note) |
SignChangeEvent(@NotNull Block theBlock,
@NotNull Player thePlayer,
@NotNull String[] theLines) |
SpongeAbsorbEvent(@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull List<BlockState> waterblocks) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull Block |
Gets the block being used to enchant the item
@NotNull Block |
Gets the block being used to enchant the item
Constructor and Description |
EnchantItemEvent(@NotNull Player enchanter,
@NotNull InventoryView view,
@NotNull Block table,
@NotNull ItemStack item,
int level,
@NotNull Map<Enchantment,Integer> enchants,
int i) |
PrepareItemEnchantEvent(@NotNull Player enchanter,
@NotNull InventoryView view,
@NotNull Block table,
@NotNull ItemStack item,
@NotNull EnchantmentOffer[] offers,
int bonus) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Block |
EntityInteractEvent.block |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull Block |
Returns the block that the entity was placed on
@NotNull Block |
Returns the involved block
@NotNull Block |
Get the block the entity will enter.
@NotNull Block |
Gets the block the entity is changing
@Nullable Block |
The combuster can be lava or a block that is on fire.
@Nullable Block |
Returns the block that damaged the player.
@Nullable Block |
Gets the block that was hit, if it was a block that was hit.
Constructor and Description |
EntityBreakDoorEvent(@NotNull LivingEntity entity,
@NotNull Block targetBlock) |
EntityChangeBlockEvent(@NotNull Entity what,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockData to) |
EntityCombustByBlockEvent(@Nullable Block combuster,
@NotNull Entity combustee,
int duration) |
EntityDamageByBlockEvent(@Nullable Block damager,
@NotNull Entity damagee,
@NotNull EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause cause,
double damage) |
EntityDamageByBlockEvent(@Nullable Block damager,
@NotNull Entity damagee,
@NotNull EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause cause,
@NotNull Map<EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier,Double> modifiers,
@NotNull Map<EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier,? extends<? super Double,Double>> modifierFunctions) |
EntityEnterBlockEvent(@NotNull Entity entity,
@NotNull Block block) |
EntityInteractEvent(@NotNull Entity entity,
@NotNull Block block) |
EntityPlaceEvent(@NotNull Entity entity,
@Nullable Player player,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace)
ProjectileHitEvent(@NotNull Projectile projectile,
@Nullable Block hitBlock) |
ProjectileHitEvent(@NotNull Projectile projectile,
@Nullable Entity hitEntity,
@Nullable Block hitBlock) |
ProjectileHitEvent(@NotNull Projectile projectile,
@Nullable Entity hitEntity,
@Nullable Block hitBlock,
@Nullable BlockFace hitFace) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull Block |
Returns the block that the hanging entity was placed on
Constructor and Description |
HangingPlaceEvent(@NotNull Hanging hanging,
@Nullable Player player,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace) |
Constructor and Description |
BrewEvent(@NotNull Block brewer,
@NotNull BrewerInventory contents,
int fuelLevel) |
BrewingStandFuelEvent(@NotNull Block brewingStand,
@NotNull ItemStack fuel,
int fuelPower) |
FurnaceBurnEvent(@NotNull Block furnace,
@NotNull ItemStack fuel,
int burnTime) |
FurnaceExtractEvent(@NotNull Player player,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Material itemType,
int itemAmount,
int exp) |
FurnaceSmeltEvent(@NotNull Block furnace,
@NotNull ItemStack source,
@NotNull ItemStack result) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Block |
PlayerInteractEvent.blockClicked |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull Block |
Returns the bed block involved in this event.
@NotNull Block |
Returns the bed block involved in this event.
@NotNull Block |
Gets the block involved in this event.
@NotNull Block |
Return the block clicked
@Nullable Block |
Returns the clicked block
Constructor and Description |
PlayerBedEnterEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block bed)
PlayerBedEnterEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block bed,
@NotNull PlayerBedEnterEvent.BedEnterResult bedEnterResult) |
PlayerBedLeaveEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block bed,
boolean setBedSpawn) |
PlayerBucketEmptyEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) |
PlayerBucketEmptyEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) |
PlayerBucketEmptyEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@Nullable EquipmentSlot hand) |
PlayerBucketEmptyEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@Nullable EquipmentSlot hand) |
PlayerBucketEmptyEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand)
PlayerBucketEmptyEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@Nullable EquipmentSlot hand)
PlayerBucketEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) |
PlayerBucketEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) |
PlayerBucketEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@Nullable EquipmentSlot hand) |
PlayerBucketEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@Nullable EquipmentSlot hand) |
PlayerBucketEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand)
PlayerBucketEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@Nullable EquipmentSlot hand)
PlayerBucketFillEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) |
PlayerBucketFillEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) |
PlayerBucketFillEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@Nullable EquipmentSlot hand) |
PlayerBucketFillEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block block,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@Nullable EquipmentSlot hand) |
PlayerBucketFillEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand)
PlayerBucketFillEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Block blockClicked,
@NotNull BlockFace blockFace,
@NotNull Material bucket,
@NotNull ItemStack itemInHand,
@Nullable EquipmentSlot hand)
PlayerInteractEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Action action,
@Nullable ItemStack item,
@Nullable Block clickedBlock,
@NotNull BlockFace clickedFace) |
PlayerInteractEvent(@NotNull Player who,
@NotNull Action action,
@Nullable ItemStack item,
@Nullable Block clickedBlock,
@NotNull BlockFace clickedFace,
@Nullable EquipmentSlot hand) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull Block |
Gets the block the vehicle collided with
Constructor and Description |
VehicleBlockCollisionEvent(@NotNull Vehicle vehicle,
@NotNull Block block) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull Block |
Gets the block associated with this holder.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@NotNull Block |
Gets the block this projectile source belongs to.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
@Nullable Block |
Gets the hit block.
@NotNull Block |
Returns the next Block in the trace
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static @NotNull BoundingBox |
BoundingBox.of(@NotNull Block block)
Creates a new 1x1x1 sized bounding box containing the given block.
static @NotNull BoundingBox |
BoundingBox.of(@NotNull Block corner1,
@NotNull Block corner2)
Creates a new bounding box using the coordinates of the given blocks as
static @NotNull BoundingBox |
BoundingBox.of(@NotNull Block corner1,
@NotNull Block corner2)
Creates a new bounding box using the coordinates of the given blocks as
Constructor and Description |
RayTraceResult(@NotNull Vector hitPosition,
@Nullable Block hitBlock,
@Nullable BlockFace hitBlockFace)
Creates a RayTraceResult.
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