Package | Description |
com.destroystokyo.paper.entity | |
com.destroystokyo.paper.event.entity | |
org.bukkit |
More generalized classes in the API.
org.bukkit.block |
Classes used to manipulate the voxels in a
world ,
including special states. |
org.bukkit.configuration |
Classes dedicated to handling a plugin's runtime configuration.
org.bukkit.entity |
Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a
world , including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc. |
org.bukkit.event.block | |
org.bukkit.event.entity | |
org.bukkit.event.player | |
org.bukkit.projectiles |
Classes to represent the source of a projectile
org.bukkit.util |
Multi and single purpose classes to facilitate various programmatic
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
Get the position the entity is targeted at
Constructor and Description |
TargetEntityInfo(Entity entity,
Vector hitVec) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
EntityKnockbackByEntityEvent.getAcceleration() |
Constructor and Description |
EntityKnockbackByEntityEvent(LivingEntity entity,
Entity hitBy,
float knockbackStrength,
Vector acceleration) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
Gets a unit-vector pointing in the direction that this Location is
Vector |
Constructs a new
Vector based on this Location |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
Location.add(Vector vec)
Adds the location by a vector.
RayTraceResult |
World.rayTrace(Location start,
Vector direction,
double maxDistance,
FluidCollisionMode fluidCollisionMode,
boolean ignorePassableBlocks,
double raySize,
Predicate<Entity> filter)
Performs a ray trace that checks for both block and entity collisions.
RayTraceResult |
World.rayTraceBlocks(Location start,
Vector direction,
double maxDistance)
Performs a ray trace that checks for block collisions using the blocks'
precise collision shapes.
RayTraceResult |
World.rayTraceBlocks(Location start,
Vector direction,
double maxDistance,
FluidCollisionMode fluidCollisionMode)
Performs a ray trace that checks for block collisions using the blocks'
precise collision shapes.
RayTraceResult |
World.rayTraceBlocks(Location start,
Vector direction,
double maxDistance,
FluidCollisionMode fluidCollisionMode,
boolean ignorePassableBlocks)
Performs a ray trace that checks for block collisions using the blocks'
precise collision shapes.
RayTraceResult |
World.rayTraceEntities(Location start,
Vector direction,
double maxDistance)
Performs a ray trace that checks for entity collisions.
RayTraceResult |
World.rayTraceEntities(Location start,
Vector direction,
double maxDistance,
double raySize)
Performs a ray trace that checks for entity collisions.
RayTraceResult |
World.rayTraceEntities(Location start,
Vector direction,
double maxDistance,
double raySize,
Predicate<Entity> filter)
Performs a ray trace that checks for entity collisions.
RayTraceResult |
World.rayTraceEntities(Location start,
Vector direction,
double maxDistance,
Predicate<Entity> filter)
Performs a ray trace that checks for entity collisions.
Location |
Location.setDirection(Vector vector)
Arrow |
World.spawnArrow(Location location,
Vector direction,
float speed,
float spread)
<T extends Arrow> |
World.spawnArrow(Location location,
Vector direction,
float speed,
float spread,
Class<T> clazz)
Creates an arrow entity of the given class at the given
Location |
Location |
Location.subtract(Vector vec)
Subtracts the location by a vector.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
Gets the normal vector corresponding to this block face.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RayTraceResult |
Block.rayTrace(Location start,
Vector direction,
double maxDistance,
FluidCollisionMode fluidCollisionMode)
Performs a ray trace that checks for collision with this specific block
in its current state using its precise collision shape.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
MemorySection.getVector(String path) |
Vector |
ConfigurationSection.getVector(String path)
Gets the requested Vector by path.
Vector |
MemorySection.getVector(String path,
Vector def) |
Vector |
ConfigurationSection.getVector(String path,
Vector def)
Gets the requested
Vector by path, returning a default value if
not found. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
MemorySection.getVector(String path,
Vector def) |
Vector |
ConfigurationSection.getVector(String path,
Vector def)
Gets the requested
Vector by path, returning a default value if
not found. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
Gets the derailed velocity modifier.
Vector |
Retrieve the direction this fireball is heading toward
Vector |
Gets the flying velocity modifier.
Vector |
Gets the vehicle's velocity.
Vector |
Gets this entity's current velocity
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Minecart.setDerailedVelocityMod(Vector derailed)
Sets the derailed velocity modifier.
void |
Fireball.setDirection(Vector direction)
Fireballs fly straight and do not take setVelocity(...) well.
void |
Minecart.setFlyingVelocityMod(Vector flying)
Sets the flying velocity modifier.
void |
Vehicle.setVelocity(Vector vel)
Sets the vehicle's velocity.
void |
Entity.setVelocity(Vector velocity)
Sets this entity's velocity
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
Gets the velocity.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BlockDispenseEvent.setVelocity(Vector vel)
Sets the velocity of the item being dispensed.
Constructor and Description |
BlockDispenseEvent(Block block,
ItemStack dispensed,
Vector velocity) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
Gets a copy of the velocity that the entity will have after exiting the
Vector |
Gets a copy of the velocity that the entity has before entering the
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
EntityPortalExitEvent.setAfter(Vector after)
Sets the velocity that the entity will have after exiting the portal.
Constructor and Description |
EntityPortalExitEvent(Entity entity,
Location from,
Location to,
Vector before,
Vector after) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent.getClickedPosition() |
Vector |
Gets the velocity vector that will be sent to the player
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PlayerVelocityEvent.setVelocity(Vector velocity)
Sets the velocity vector that will be sent to the player
Constructor and Description |
PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent(Player who,
Entity clickedEntity,
Vector position) |
PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent(Player who,
Entity clickedEntity,
Vector position,
EquipmentSlot hand) |
PlayerVelocityEvent(Player player,
Vector velocity) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T extends Projectile> |
ProjectileSource.launchProjectile(Class<? extends T> projectile,
Vector velocity)
Launches a
Projectile from the ProjectileSource with an
initial velocity. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A vector with a hash function that floors the X, Y, Z components, a la
BlockVector in WorldEdit.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
Vector.add(Vector vec)
Adds a vector to this one
Vector |
Get a new vector.
Vector |
Vector.copy(Vector vec)
Copies another vector
Vector |
Vector.crossProduct(Vector o)
Calculates the cross product of this vector with another.
static Vector |
Vector.deserialize(Map<String,Object> args) |
Vector |
Vector.divide(Vector vec)
Divides the vector by another.
Vector |
Gets the center of the bounding box.
Vector |
Vector.getCrossProduct(Vector o)
Calculates the cross product of this vector with another without mutating
the original.
Vector |
Gets the exact position of the hit.
Vector |
Gets the maximum corner as vector.
static Vector |
Vector.getMaximum(Vector v1,
Vector v2)
Gets the maximum components of two vectors.
Vector |
Vector.getMidpoint(Vector other)
Gets a new midpoint vector between this vector and another.
Vector |
Gets the minimum corner as vector.
static Vector |
Vector.getMinimum(Vector v1,
Vector v2)
Gets the minimum components of two vectors.
static Vector |
Gets a random vector with components having a random value between 0
and 1.
Vector |
Vector.midpoint(Vector other)
Sets this vector to the midpoint between this vector and another.
Vector |
Vector.multiply(double m)
Performs scalar multiplication, multiplying all components with a
Vector |
Vector.multiply(float m)
Performs scalar multiplication, multiplying all components with a
Vector |
Vector.multiply(int m)
Performs scalar multiplication, multiplying all components with a
Vector |
Vector.multiply(Vector vec)
Multiplies the vector by another.
Vector |
Converts this vector to a unit vector (a vector with length of 1).
Vector |
Vector.rotateAroundAxis(Vector axis,
double angle)
Rotates the vector around a given arbitrary axis in 3 dimensional space.
Vector |
Vector.rotateAroundNonUnitAxis(Vector axis,
double angle)
Rotates the vector around a given arbitrary axis in 3 dimensional space.
Vector |
Vector.rotateAroundX(double angle)
Rotates the vector around the x axis.
Vector |
Vector.rotateAroundY(double angle)
Rotates the vector around the y axis.
Vector |
Vector.rotateAroundZ(double angle)
Rotates the vector around the z axis
Vector |
Vector.setX(double x)
Set the X component.
Vector |
Vector.setX(float x)
Set the X component.
Vector |
Vector.setX(int x)
Set the X component.
Vector |
Vector.setY(double y)
Set the Y component.
Vector |
Vector.setY(float y)
Set the Y component.
Vector |
Vector.setY(int y)
Set the Y component.
Vector |
Vector.setZ(double z)
Set the Z component.
Vector |
Vector.setZ(float z)
Set the Z component.
Vector |
Vector.setZ(int z)
Set the Z component.
Vector |
Vector.subtract(Vector vec)
Subtracts a vector from this one.
Vector |
Zero this vector's components.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vector |
Vector.add(Vector vec)
Adds a vector to this one
float |
Vector.angle(Vector other)
Gets the angle between this vector and another in radians.
boolean |
BoundingBox.contains(Vector position)
Checks if this bounding box contains the specified position.
boolean |
BoundingBox.contains(Vector min,
Vector max)
Checks if this bounding box fully contains the bounding box that is
defined by the given corners.
Vector |
Vector.copy(Vector vec)
Copies another vector
Vector |
Vector.crossProduct(Vector o)
Calculates the cross product of this vector with another.
double |
Vector.distance(Vector o)
Get the distance between this vector and another.
double |
Vector.distanceSquared(Vector o)
Get the squared distance between this vector and another.
Vector |
Vector.divide(Vector vec)
Divides the vector by another.
double | other)
Calculates the dot product of this vector with another.
BoundingBox |
BoundingBox.expand(Vector expansion)
Expands this bounding box uniformly by the given values in both positive
and negative directions.
BoundingBox |
BoundingBox.expand(Vector direction,
double expansion)
Expands this bounding box in the specified direction.
BoundingBox |
BoundingBox.expandDirectional(Vector direction)
Expands this bounding box in the specified direction.
Vector |
Vector.getCrossProduct(Vector o)
Calculates the cross product of this vector with another without mutating
the original.
static Vector |
Vector.getMaximum(Vector v1,
Vector v2)
Gets the maximum components of two vectors.
Vector |
Vector.getMidpoint(Vector other)
Gets a new midpoint vector between this vector and another.
static Vector |
Vector.getMinimum(Vector v1,
Vector v2)
Gets the minimum components of two vectors.
boolean |
Vector.isInAABB(Vector min,
Vector max)
Returns whether this vector is in an axis-aligned bounding box.
boolean |
Vector.isInSphere(Vector origin,
double radius)
Returns whether this vector is within a sphere.
Vector |
Vector.midpoint(Vector other)
Sets this vector to the midpoint between this vector and another.
Vector |
Vector.multiply(Vector vec)
Multiplies the vector by another.
static BoundingBox |
BoundingBox.of(Vector center,
double x,
double y,
double z)
Creates a new bounding box using the given center and extents.
static BoundingBox |
BoundingBox.of(Vector corner1,
Vector corner2)
Creates a new bounding box using the coordinates of the given vectors as
boolean |
BoundingBox.overlaps(Vector min,
Vector max)
Checks if this bounding box overlaps with the bounding box that is
defined by the given corners.
RayTraceResult |
BoundingBox.rayTrace(Vector start,
Vector direction,
double maxDistance)
Calculates the intersection of this bounding box with the specified line
Vector |
Vector.rotateAroundAxis(Vector axis,
double angle)
Rotates the vector around a given arbitrary axis in 3 dimensional space.
Vector |
Vector.rotateAroundNonUnitAxis(Vector axis,
double angle)
Rotates the vector around a given arbitrary axis in 3 dimensional space.
BoundingBox |
BoundingBox.shift(Vector shift)
Shifts this bounding box by the given amounts.
Vector |
Vector.subtract(Vector vec)
Subtracts a vector from this one.
BoundingBox |
BoundingBox.union(Vector position)
Expands this bounding box to contain (or border) the specified position.
Constructor and Description |
BlockIterator(World world,
Vector start,
Vector direction,
double yOffset,
int maxDistance)
Constructs the BlockIterator.
BlockVector(Vector vec)
Construct the vector with another vector.
RayTraceResult(Vector hitPosition)
Creates a RayTraceResult.
RayTraceResult(Vector hitPosition,
Block hitBlock,
BlockFace hitBlockFace)
Creates a RayTraceResult.
RayTraceResult(Vector hitPosition,
BlockFace hitBlockFace)
Creates a RayTraceResult.
RayTraceResult(Vector hitPosition,
Entity hitEntity)
Creates a RayTraceResult.
RayTraceResult(Vector hitPosition,
Entity hitEntity,
BlockFace hitBlockFace)
Creates a RayTraceResult.
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