Package | Description |
com.destroystokyo.paper | |
com.destroystokyo.paper.event.entity | |
com.destroystokyo.paper.event.player | |
com.destroystokyo.paper.event.server | |
org.bukkit |
More generalized classes in the API.
org.bukkit.block |
Classes used to manipulate the voxels in a
world ,
including special states. |
org.bukkit.command |
Classes relating to handling specialized non-chat player input.
org.bukkit.entity |
Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a
world , including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc. |
org.bukkit.event.block | |
org.bukkit.event.entity | |
org.bukkit.event.player | |
org.bukkit.event.server |
Events relating to programmatic state
changes on the server. |
org.bukkit.event.vehicle |
Events relating to vehicular entities . | | |
org.bukkit.generator |
Classes to facilitate
world generation
implementation. |
org.bukkit.inventory |
Classes involved in manipulating player inventories and item interactions.
org.bukkit.util |
Multi and single purpose classes to facilitate various programmatic
org.spigotmc.event.player |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
ParticleBuilder.location() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ParticleBuilder |
ParticleBuilder.location(Location location)
Sets the location of where to spawn the particle
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
The Location of where the entity is about to move to.
Location |
PreCreatureSpawnEvent.getSpawnLocation() |
Constructor and Description |
EntityPathfindEvent(Entity entity,
Location loc,
Entity targetEntity) |
EntityTeleportEndGatewayEvent(Entity what,
Location from,
Location to,
EndGateway gateway) |
PreCreatureSpawnEvent(Location location,
EntityType type,
CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason reason) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
Gets the location this player jumped from
Location |
Gets the current spawn location
Location |
Gets the location this player jumped to
This information is based on what the client sends, it typically
has little relation to the arc of the jump at any given point.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PlayerJumpEvent.setFrom(Location from)
Sets the location to mark as where the player jumped from
void |
PlayerInitialSpawnEvent.setSpawnLocation(Location spawnLocation)
Sets the new spawn location
Constructor and Description |
PlayerInitialSpawnEvent(Player player,
Location spawnLocation) |
PlayerJumpEvent(Player player,
Location from,
Location to) |
PlayerTeleportEndGatewayEvent(Player player,
Location from,
Location to,
EndGateway gateway) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
AsyncTabCompleteEvent.getLocation() |
Constructor and Description |
AsyncTabCompleteEvent(CommandSender sender,
List<String> completions,
String buffer,
boolean isCommand,
Location loc) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
Location.add(double x,
double y,
double z)
Adds the location by another.
Location |
Location.add(Location vec)
Adds the location by another.
Location |
Location.add(Location base,
double x,
double y,
double z)
Takes the x/y/z from base and adds the specified x/y/z to it and returns self
This mutates this object, clone first.
Location |
Location.add(Vector vec)
Adds the location by a vector.
Location |
Location.clone() |
static Location |
Location.deserialize(Map<String,Object> args)
Required method for deserialization
Location |
TravelAgent.findOrCreate(Location location)
Attempt to find a portal near the given location, if a portal is not
found it will attempt to create one.
Location |
TravelAgent.findPortal(Location location)
Attempt to find a portal near the given location.
Location |
Gets the Location where the player will spawn at their bed, null if
they have not slept in one or their current bed spawn is invalid.
Location |
Gets the current border center.
default Location |
World.getLocationAtKey(long key)
Gets the
Location at the given block key |
Location |
Gets the default spawn
Location of this world |
Location |
Location.multiply(double m)
Performs scalar multiplication, multiplying all components with a
Location |
Location.set(double x,
double y,
double z)
Sets the position of this Location and returns itself
This mutates this object, clone first.
Location |
Location.setDirection(Vector vector)
Location |
Location.subtract(double x,
double y,
double z)
Subtracts the location by another.
Location |
Location.subtract(Location vec)
Subtracts the location by another.
Location |
Location.subtract(Location base,
double x,
double y,
double z)
Takes the x/y/z from base and subtracts the specified x/y/z to it and returns self
This mutates this object, clone first.
Location |
Location.subtract(Vector vec)
Subtracts the location by a vector.
Location |
Location.toBlockLocation() |
Location |
Location.toCenterLocation() |
Location |
Zero this location's components.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
Location.add(Location vec)
Adds the location by another.
Location |
Location.add(Location base,
double x,
double y,
double z)
Takes the x/y/z from base and adds the specified x/y/z to it and returns self
This mutates this object, clone first.
default boolean |
World.createExplosion(Entity source,
Location loc,
float power)
Creates explosion at given location with given power, with the specified entity as the source.
default boolean |
World.createExplosion(Entity source,
Location loc,
float power,
boolean setFire)
Creates explosion at given location with given power and optionally
setting blocks on fire, with the specified entity as the source.
boolean |
World.createExplosion(Entity source,
Location loc,
float power,
boolean setFire,
boolean breakBlocks)
Creates explosion at given location with given power and optionally
setting blocks on fire, with the specified entity as the source.
boolean |
World.createExplosion(Location loc,
float power)
Creates explosion at given coordinates with given power
boolean |
World.createExplosion(Location loc,
float power,
boolean setFire)
Creates explosion at given coordinates with given power and optionally
setting blocks on fire.
default boolean |
World.createExplosion(Location loc,
float power,
boolean setFire,
boolean breakBlocks)
Creates explosion at given location with given power and optionally
setting blocks on fire or breaking blocks.
boolean |
TravelAgent.createPortal(Location location)
Attempt to create a portal near the given location.
double |
Location.distance(Location o)
Get the distance between this location and another.
double |
Location.distanceSquared(Location o)
Get the squared distance between this location and another.
Item |
World.dropItem(Location location,
ItemStack item)
Drops an item at the specified
Location |
Item |
World.dropItemNaturally(Location location,
ItemStack item)
Drops an item at the specified
Location with a random offset |
Location |
TravelAgent.findOrCreate(Location location)
Attempt to find a portal near the given location, if a portal is not
found it will attempt to create one.
Location |
TravelAgent.findPortal(Location location)
Attempt to find a portal near the given location.
boolean |
World.generateTree(Location location,
TreeType type)
Creates a tree at the given
Location |
boolean |
World.generateTree(Location loc,
TreeType type,
BlockChangeDelegate delegate)
rarely used API that was largely for implementation purposes
Block |
World.getBlockAt(Location location)
int |
World.getBlockTypeIdAt(Location location)
Magic value
Chunk |
World.getChunkAt(Location location)
void |
World.getChunkAtAsync(Location location,
World.ChunkLoadCallback cb)
Block |
World.getHighestBlockAt(Location location)
Gets the lowest block at the given
Location such that the block
and all blocks above it are transparent for lighting purposes. |
int |
World.getHighestBlockYAt(Location location)
Gets the y coordinate of the lowest block at the given
such that the block and all blocks above it are transparent for lighting
purposes. |
Collection<Entity> |
World.getNearbyEntities(Location location,
double x,
double y,
double z)
Returns a list of entities within a bounding box centered around a Location.
default <T extends Entity> |
World.getNearbyEntitiesByType(Class<? extends Entity> clazz,
Location loc,
double xRadius,
double yRadius,
double zRadius,
Predicate<T> predicate)
Gets all nearby entities of the specified type, within the specified radius (bounding box)
default <T extends Entity> |
World.getNearbyEntitiesByType(Class<? extends T> clazz,
Location loc,
double radius)
Gets all nearby entities of the specified type, within the specified radius (bounding box)
default <T extends Entity> |
World.getNearbyEntitiesByType(Class<? extends T> clazz,
Location loc,
double xzRadius,
double yRadius)
Gets all nearby entities of the specified type, within the specified radius, with x and x radius matching (bounding box)
default <T extends Entity> |
World.getNearbyEntitiesByType(Class<? extends T> clazz,
Location loc,
double xRadius,
double yRadius,
double zRadius)
Gets all nearby entities of the specified type, within the specified radius (bounding box)
default <T extends Entity> |
World.getNearbyEntitiesByType(Class<? extends T> clazz,
Location loc,
double xzRadius,
double yRadius,
Predicate<T> predicate)
Gets all nearby entities of the specified type, within the specified radius, with x and x radius matching (bounding box)
default <T extends Entity> |
World.getNearbyEntitiesByType(Class<? extends T> clazz,
Location loc,
double radius,
Predicate<T> predicate)
Gets all nearby entities of the specified type, within the specified radius (bounding box)
default Collection<LivingEntity> |
World.getNearbyLivingEntities(Location loc,
double radius)
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default Collection<LivingEntity> |
World.getNearbyLivingEntities(Location loc,
double xzRadius,
double yRadius)
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default Collection<LivingEntity> |
World.getNearbyLivingEntities(Location loc,
double xRadius,
double yRadius,
double zRadius)
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default Collection<LivingEntity> |
World.getNearbyLivingEntities(Location loc,
double xRadius,
double yRadius,
double zRadius,
Predicate<LivingEntity> predicate)
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default Collection<LivingEntity> |
World.getNearbyLivingEntities(Location loc,
double xzRadius,
double yRadius,
Predicate<LivingEntity> predicate)
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default Collection<LivingEntity> |
World.getNearbyLivingEntities(Location loc,
double radius,
Predicate<LivingEntity> predicate)
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default Collection<Player> |
World.getNearbyPlayers(Location loc,
double radius)
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default Collection<Player> |
World.getNearbyPlayers(Location loc,
double xzRadius,
double yRadius)
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default Collection<Player> |
World.getNearbyPlayers(Location loc,
double xRadius,
double yRadius,
double zRadius)
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default Collection<Player> |
World.getNearbyPlayers(Location loc,
double xRadius,
double yRadius,
double zRadius,
Predicate<Player> predicate)
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default Collection<Player> |
World.getNearbyPlayers(Location loc,
double xzRadius,
double yRadius,
Predicate<Player> predicate)
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default Collection<Player> |
World.getNearbyPlayers(Location loc,
double radius,
Predicate<Player> predicate)
Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)
default boolean |
WorldBorder.isInBounds(Location location)
WorldBorder.isInside(Location) for an upstream compatible replacement |
boolean |
WorldBorder.isInside(Location location)
Check if the specified location is inside this border.
void |
World.Spigot.playEffect(Location location,
Effect effect)
Spigot specific API, use
Particle . |
void |
World.playEffect(Location location,
Effect effect,
int data)
Plays an effect to all players within a default radius around a given
void |
World.playEffect(Location location,
Effect effect,
int data,
int radius)
Plays an effect to all players within a given radius around a location.
void |
World.Spigot.playEffect(Location location,
Effect effect,
int id,
int data,
float offsetX,
float offsetY,
float offsetZ,
float speed,
int particleCount,
int radius)
Spigot specific API, use
Particle . |
<T> void |
World.playEffect(Location location,
Effect effect,
T data)
Plays an effect to all players within a default radius around a given
<T> void |
World.playEffect(Location location,
Effect effect,
T data,
int radius)
Plays an effect to all players within a given radius around a location.
void |
World.playSound(Location location,
Sound sound,
float volume,
float pitch)
Play a Sound at the provided Location in the World
void |
World.playSound(Location location,
Sound sound,
SoundCategory category,
float volume,
float pitch)
Play a Sound at the provided Location in the World.
void |
World.playSound(Location location,
String sound,
float volume,
float pitch)
Play a Sound at the provided Location in the World.
void |
World.playSound(Location location,
String sound,
SoundCategory category,
float volume,
float pitch)
Play a Sound at the provided Location in the World.
void |
WorldBorder.setCenter(Location location)
Sets the new border center.
boolean |
World.setSpawnLocation(Location location)
Sets the spawn location of the world.
<T extends Entity> |
World.spawn(Location location,
Class<T> clazz)
Spawn an entity of a specific class at the given
Location |
<T extends Entity> |
World.spawn(Location location,
Class<T> clazz,
Consumer<T> function)
Spawn an entity of a specific class at the given
Location , with
the supplied function run before the entity is added to the world. |
Arrow |
World.spawnArrow(Location location,
Vector direction,
float speed,
float spread)
<T extends Arrow> |
World.spawnArrow(Location location,
Vector direction,
float speed,
float spread,
Class<T> clazz)
Creates an arrow entity of the given class at the given
Location |
Entity |
World.spawnEntity(Location loc,
EntityType type)
Creates a entity at the given
Location |
FallingBlock |
World.spawnFallingBlock(Location location,
int blockId,
byte blockData)
Magic value
FallingBlock |
World.spawnFallingBlock(Location location,
Material material,
byte data)
Magic value
FallingBlock |
World.spawnFallingBlock(Location location,
MaterialData data)
void |
World.spawnParticle(Particle particle,
Location location,
int count)
Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count)
at the target location.
void |
World.spawnParticle(Particle particle,
Location location,
int count,
double offsetX,
double offsetY,
double offsetZ)
Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count)
at the target location.
void |
World.spawnParticle(Particle particle,
Location location,
int count,
double offsetX,
double offsetY,
double offsetZ,
double extra)
Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count)
at the target location.
<T> void |
World.spawnParticle(Particle particle,
Location location,
int count,
double offsetX,
double offsetY,
double offsetZ,
double extra,
T data)
Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count)
at the target location.
<T> void |
World.spawnParticle(Particle particle,
Location location,
int count,
double offsetX,
double offsetY,
double offsetZ,
T data)
Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count)
at the target location.
<T> void |
World.spawnParticle(Particle particle,
Location location,
int count,
T data)
Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count)
at the target location.
LightningStrike |
World.strikeLightning(Location loc)
Strikes lightning at the given
Location |
LightningStrike |
World.Spigot.strikeLightning(Location loc,
boolean isSilent)
Strikes lightning at the given
Location and possibly without sound |
LightningStrike |
World.strikeLightningEffect(Location loc)
Strikes lightning at the given
Location without doing damage |
LightningStrike |
World.Spigot.strikeLightningEffect(Location loc,
boolean isSilent)
Strikes lightning at the given
Location without doing damage and possibly without sound |
Location |
Location.subtract(Location vec)
Subtracts the location by another.
Location |
Location.subtract(Location base,
double x,
double y,
double z)
Takes the x/y/z from base and subtracts the specified x/y/z to it and returns self
This mutates this object, clone first.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
Gets the location that entities are teleported to when
entering the gateway portal.
Location |
DoubleChest.getLocation() |
Location |
Gets the location of this block state.
Location |
Gets the Location of the block
Location |
BlockState.getLocation(Location loc)
Stores the location of this block state in the provided Location object.
Location |
Block.getLocation(Location loc)
Stores the location of the block in the provided Location object.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
BlockState.getLocation(Location loc)
Stores the location of this block state in the provided Location object.
Location |
Block.getLocation(Location loc)
Stores the location of the block in the provided Location object.
void |
EndGateway.setExitLocation(Location location)
Sets the exit location that entities are teleported to when
they enter the gateway portal.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<String> |
SimpleCommandMap.tabComplete(CommandSender sender,
String cmdLine,
Location location) |
List<String> |
CommandMap.tabComplete(CommandSender sender,
String cmdLine,
Location location)
Looks for the requested command and executes an appropriate
tab-completer if found.
List<String> |
Command.tabComplete(CommandSender sender,
String alias,
String[] args,
Location location)
Executed on tab completion for this command, returning a list of
options the player can tab through.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
Gets the location that this end crystal is pointing its beam to.
Location |
Gets the Location where the player will spawn at their bed, null if
they have not slept in one or their current bed spawn is invalid.
Location |
Get the previously set compass target.
Location |
Get a Location detailing the current eye position of the living entity.
Location |
Gets the entity's current position
Location |
Entity.getLocation(Location loc)
Stores the entity's current position in the provided Location object.
Location |
Gets the location where this entity originates from.
default Location |
replaced by
Entity.getOrigin() |
default Location |
replaced by
Entity.getOrigin() |
Location |
Get the location this EnderSignal is moving towards.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
Entity.getLocation(Location loc)
Stores the entity's current position in the provided Location object.
InventoryView |
HumanEntity.openEnchanting(Location location,
boolean force)
Opens an empty enchanting inventory window with the player's inventory
on the bottom.
InventoryView |
HumanEntity.openWorkbench(Location location,
boolean force)
Opens an empty workbench inventory window with the player's inventory
on the bottom.
void |
Player.playEffect(Location loc,
Effect effect,
int data)
Magic value
void |
Player.Spigot.playEffect(Location location,
Effect effect,
int id,
int data,
float offsetX,
float offsetY,
float offsetZ,
float speed,
int particleCount,
int radius)
<T> void |
Player.playEffect(Location loc,
Effect effect,
T data)
Plays an effect to just this player.
void |
Player.playNote(Location loc,
byte instrument,
byte note)
Magic value
void |
Player.playNote(Location loc,
Instrument instrument,
Note note)
Play a note for a player at a location.
void |
Player.playSound(Location location,
Sound sound,
float volume,
float pitch)
Play a sound for a player at the location.
void |
Player.playSound(Location location,
Sound sound,
SoundCategory category,
float volume,
float pitch)
Play a sound for a player at the location.
void |
Player.playSound(Location location,
String sound,
float volume,
float pitch)
Play a sound for a player at the location.
void |
Player.playSound(Location location,
String sound,
SoundCategory category,
float volume,
float pitch)
Play a sound for a player at the location.
void |
Player.sendBlockChange(Location loc,
int material,
byte data)
Magic value
void |
Player.sendBlockChange(Location loc,
Material material,
byte data)
Magic value
boolean |
Player.sendChunkChange(Location loc,
int sx,
int sy,
int sz,
byte[] data)
Magic value
void |
Player.sendSignChange(Location loc,
String[] lines)
Send a sign change.
void |
EnderCrystal.setBeamTarget(Location location)
Sets the location that this end crystal is pointing to.
void |
Player.setBedSpawnLocation(Location location)
Sets the Location where the player will spawn at their bed.
void |
Player.setBedSpawnLocation(Location location,
boolean force)
Sets the Location where the player will spawn at their bed.
void |
Player.setCompassTarget(Location loc)
Set the target of the player's compass.
void |
EnderSignal.setTargetLocation(Location location)
Set the
Location this EnderSignal is moving towards. |
void |
Player.spawnParticle(Particle particle,
Location location,
int count)
Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count)
at the target location.
void |
Player.spawnParticle(Particle particle,
Location location,
int count,
double offsetX,
double offsetY,
double offsetZ)
Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count)
at the target location.
void |
Player.spawnParticle(Particle particle,
Location location,
int count,
double offsetX,
double offsetY,
double offsetZ,
double extra)
Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count)
at the target location.
<T> void |
Player.spawnParticle(Particle particle,
Location location,
int count,
double offsetX,
double offsetY,
double offsetZ,
double extra,
T data)
Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count)
at the target location.
<T> void |
Player.spawnParticle(Particle particle,
Location location,
int count,
double offsetX,
double offsetY,
double offsetZ,
T data)
Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count)
at the target location.
<T> void |
Player.spawnParticle(Particle particle,
Location location,
int count,
T data)
Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count)
at the target location.
boolean |
Entity.teleport(Location location)
Teleports this entity to the given location.
boolean |
Entity.teleport(Location location,
PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause)
Teleports this entity to the given location.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
Gets the location that this entity moved from
Location |
Gets the location at which the item is despawning.
Location |
Gets the location at which the entity is spawning.
Location |
Gets the portal block the entity is touching
Location |
Returns the location where the explosion happened.
Location |
Gets the location that this entity moved to
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
EntityTeleportEvent.setFrom(Location from)
Sets the location that this entity moved from
void |
EntityTeleportEvent.setTo(Location to)
Sets the location that this entity moved to
Constructor and Description |
EntityExplodeEvent(Entity what,
Location location,
List<Block> blocks,
float yield) |
EntityPortalEnterEvent(Entity entity,
Location location) |
EntityPortalEvent(Entity entity,
Location from,
Location to,
TravelAgent pta) |
EntityPortalExitEvent(Entity entity,
Location from,
Location to,
Vector before,
Vector after) |
EntityTeleportEvent(Entity what,
Location from,
Location to) |
ItemDespawnEvent(Item despawnee,
Location loc) |
ItemSpawnEvent(Item spawnee,
Location loc)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
Gets the location this player moved from
Location |
Gets the current respawn location
Location |
Gets the location this player moved to
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PlayerMoveEvent.setFrom(Location from)
Sets the location to mark as where the player moved from
void |
PlayerRespawnEvent.setRespawnLocation(Location respawnLocation)
Sets the new respawn location
void |
PlayerMoveEvent.setTo(Location to)
Sets the location that this player will move to
Constructor and Description |
PlayerMoveEvent(Player player,
Location from,
Location to) |
PlayerPortalEvent(Player player,
Location from,
Location to,
TravelAgent pta) |
PlayerPortalEvent(Player player,
Location from,
Location to,
TravelAgent pta,
PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause) |
PlayerRespawnEvent(Player respawnPlayer,
Location respawnLocation,
boolean isBedSpawn) |
PlayerTeleportEvent(Player player,
Location from,
Location to) |
PlayerTeleportEvent(Player player,
Location from,
Location to,
PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
TabCompleteEvent.getLocation() |
Constructor and Description |
TabCompleteEvent(CommandSender sender,
String buffer,
List<String> completions,
boolean isCommand,
Location location) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
Get the previous position.
Location |
Get the next position.
Constructor and Description |
VehicleMoveEvent(Vehicle vehicle,
Location from,
Location to) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
Gets the location of the structure.
Location |
Gets the previous spawn location
Constructor and Description |
SpawnChangeEvent(World world,
Location previousLocation) |
StructureGrowEvent(Location location,
TreeType species,
boolean bonemeal,
Player player,
List<BlockState> blocks) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
ChunkGenerator.getFixedSpawnLocation(World world,
Random random)
Gets a fixed spawn location to use for a given world.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
Get the location of the block or entity which corresponds to this inventory.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
Vector.toLocation(World world)
Gets a Location version of this vector with yaw and pitch being 0.
Location |
Vector.toLocation(World world,
float yaw,
float pitch)
Gets a Location version of this vector.
Constructor and Description |
BlockIterator(Location loc)
Constructs the BlockIterator.
BlockIterator(Location loc,
double yOffset)
Constructs the BlockIterator.
BlockIterator(Location loc,
double yOffset,
int maxDistance)
Constructs the BlockIterator
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Location |
Gets player's spawn location.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PlayerSpawnLocationEvent.setSpawnLocation(Location location)
Sets player's spawn location.
Constructor and Description |
PlayerSpawnLocationEvent(Player who,
Location spawnLocation) |
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