Package | Description |
org.bukkit.block |
Classes used to manipulate the voxels in a
world ,
including special states. |
org.bukkit.entity |
Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a
world , including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc. |
org.bukkit.event.block | |
org.bukkit.event.entity | |
org.bukkit.event.hanging |
Events relating to entities that hang . |
org.bukkit.event.player | |
org.bukkit.material |
Classes that represents various voxel types and states.
org.bukkit.material.types |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BlockFace |
Block.getFace(Block block)
Gets the face relation of this block compared to the given block.
BlockFace |
BlockFace.getOppositeFace() |
BlockFace |
Gets the rotation of the skull in the world
static BlockFace |
BlockFace.valueOf(String name)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static BlockFace[] |
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
Block.getBlockPower(BlockFace face)
Returns the redstone power being provided to this block face
Block |
Block.getRelative(BlockFace face)
Gets the block at the given face
Block |
Block.getRelative(BlockFace face,
int distance)
Gets the block at the given distance of the given face
boolean |
Block.isBlockFaceIndirectlyPowered(BlockFace face)
Returns true if the block face is being indirectly powered by Redstone.
boolean |
Block.isBlockFacePowered(BlockFace face)
Returns true if the block face is being powered by Redstone.
void |
Skull.setRotation(BlockFace rotation)
Sets the rotation of the skull in the world
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Hanging.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face,
boolean force)
Sets the direction of the hanging entity, potentially overriding rules
of placement.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected BlockFace |
BlockFromToEvent.face |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BlockFace |
Return the direction in which the piston will operate.
BlockFace |
Gets the BlockFace that the block is moving to.
Constructor and Description |
BlockFromToEvent(Block block,
BlockFace face) |
BlockPistonEvent(Block block,
BlockFace direction) |
BlockPistonExtendEvent(Block block,
int length,
BlockFace direction)
BlockPistonExtendEvent(Block block,
List<Block> blocks,
BlockFace direction) |
BlockPistonRetractEvent(Block block,
List<Block> blocks,
BlockFace direction) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BlockFace |
Gets the face of the block that the projectile has hit.
Constructor and Description |
ProjectileHitEvent(Projectile projectile,
Entity hitEntity,
Block hitBlock,
BlockFace hitBlockFace) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BlockFace |
Returns the face of the block that the hanging entity was placed on
Constructor and Description |
HangingPlaceEvent(Hanging hanging,
Player player,
Block block,
BlockFace blockFace) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected BlockFace |
PlayerInteractEvent.blockFace |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BlockFace |
Returns the face of the block that was clicked
BlockFace |
Get the face on the clicked block
Constructor and Description |
PlayerBucketEmptyEvent(Player who,
Block blockClicked,
BlockFace blockFace,
Material bucket,
ItemStack itemInHand) |
PlayerBucketEvent(Player who,
Block blockClicked,
BlockFace blockFace,
Material bucket,
ItemStack itemInHand) |
PlayerBucketFillEvent(Player who,
Block blockClicked,
BlockFace blockFace,
Material bucket,
ItemStack itemInHand) |
PlayerInteractEvent(Player who,
Action action,
ItemStack item,
Block clickedBlock,
BlockFace clickedFace) |
PlayerInteractEvent(Player who,
Action action,
ItemStack item,
Block clickedBlock,
BlockFace clickedFace,
EquipmentSlot hand) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected static BlockFace |
protected static BlockFace |
protected static BlockFace |
protected static BlockFace |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BlockFace |
Stairs.getAscendingDirection() |
BlockFace |
TripwireHook.getAttachedFace() |
BlockFace |
TrapDoor.getAttachedFace() |
BlockFace |
Gets the face that this block is attached on
BlockFace |
Gets the face that this block is attached on
BlockFace |
PistonExtensionMaterial.getAttachedFace() |
BlockFace |
Gets the face that this block is attached on
BlockFace |
Gets the face that this block is attached on
BlockFace |
CocoaPlant.getAttachedFace() |
BlockFace |
Gets the face that this block is attached on
BlockFace |
Banner.getAttachedFace() |
BlockFace |
Gets the face that this block is attached on
BlockFace |
Stairs.getDescendingDirection() |
BlockFace |
Get direction of the log
BlockFace |
Rails.getDirection() |
BlockFace |
Stairs.getFacing() |
BlockFace |
Skull.getFacing() |
BlockFace |
SimpleAttachableMaterialData.getFacing() |
BlockFace |
Gets the direction that this sign is currently facing
BlockFace |
Pumpkin.getFacing() |
BlockFace |
PistonExtensionMaterial.getFacing() |
BlockFace |
PistonBaseMaterial.getFacing() |
BlockFace |
Observer.getFacing() |
BlockFace |
Gets the direction this hopper is facing
BlockFace |
Gate.getFacing() |
BlockFace |
Get the direction that this door is facing.
BlockFace |
Dispenser.getFacing() |
BlockFace |
DirectionalContainer.getFacing() |
BlockFace |
Gets the direction this block is facing
BlockFace |
Gets the direction this diode is facing
BlockFace |
Gets the direction this comparator is facing
BlockFace |
CocoaPlant.getFacing() |
BlockFace |
Get the direction that this bed's head is facing toward
BlockFace |
Banner.getFacing() |
BlockFace |
This method should not be used; use hinge and facing accessors instead.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<BlockFace> |
Mushroom.getPaintedFaces() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Mushroom.isFacePainted(BlockFace face)
Checks whether a face of the block is painted with cap texture.
boolean |
Vine.isOnFace(BlockFace face)
Check if the vine is attached to the specified face of an adjacent
void |
Vine.putOnFace(BlockFace face)
Attach the vine to the specified face of an adjacent block.
void |
Vine.removeFromFace(BlockFace face)
Detach the vine from the specified face of an adjacent block.
void |
Tree.setDirection(BlockFace dir)
Set direction of the log
void |
Rails.setDirection(BlockFace face,
boolean isOnSlope)
Set the direction of these tracks
void |
ExtendedRails.setDirection(BlockFace face,
boolean isOnSlope) |
void |
Mushroom.setFacePainted(BlockFace face,
boolean painted)
Use MushroomBlockType cap options
void |
TripwireHook.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face) |
void |
TrapDoor.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face) |
void |
Torch.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face) |
void |
Stairs.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
Set the direction the stair part of the block is facing
void |
Skull.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face) |
void |
Sign.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face) |
void |
Pumpkin.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face) |
void |
PistonExtensionMaterial.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face) |
void |
PistonBaseMaterial.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face) |
void |
Observer.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face) |
void |
Lever.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
Sets the direction this lever is pointing in
void |
Ladder.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
Sets the direction this ladder is facing
void |
Hopper.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
Sets the direction this hopper is facing
void |
Gate.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face) |
void |
Door.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
Set the direction that this door should is facing.
void |
Dispenser.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face) |
void |
DirectionalContainer.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face) |
void |
Directional.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
Sets the direction that this block is facing in
void |
Diode.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
Sets the direction this diode is facing.
void |
Comparator.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
Sets the direction this comparator is facing
void |
CocoaPlant.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face) |
void |
Button.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
Sets the direction this button is pointing toward
void |
Bed.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face)
Set which direction the head of the bed is facing.
void |
Banner.setFacingDirection(BlockFace face) |
Constructor and Description |
Bed(BlockFace direction)
Instantiate a bed facing in a particular direction.
Chest(BlockFace direction)
Instantiate a chest facing in a particular direction.
CocoaPlant(CocoaPlant.CocoaPlantSize sz,
BlockFace dir) |
Comparator(BlockFace facingDirection)
Constructs a comparator switched off, with the default mode (normal) and facing the specified direction.
Comparator(BlockFace facingDirection,
boolean isSubtraction)
Constructs a comparator switched off, with the specified mode and facing the specified direction.
Comparator(BlockFace facingDirection,
boolean isSubtraction,
boolean state)
Constructs a comparator switched on or off, with the specified mode and facing the specified direction.
Diode(BlockFace facingDirection)
Constructs a diode switched off, with a delay of 1 and facing the
specified direction.
Diode(BlockFace facingDirection,
int delay)
Constructs a diode switched off, with the specified delay and facing the
specified direction.
Diode(BlockFace facingDirection,
int delay,
boolean state)
Constructs a diode switched on or off, with the specified delay and
facing the specified direction.
Dispenser(BlockFace direction) |
Door(Material type,
BlockFace face)
Constructs the bottom half of a door of the given material type, facing the specified direction and set to closed
Door(Material type,
BlockFace face,
boolean isOpen)
Constructs the bottom half of a door of the given material type, facing the specified direction and set to open
or closed
Door(TreeSpecies species,
BlockFace face)
Constructs the bottom half of a wooden door of the given species, facing the specified direction and set to
Door(TreeSpecies species,
BlockFace face,
boolean isOpen)
Constructs the bottom half of a wooden door of the given species, facing the specified direction and set to open
or closed
EnderChest(BlockFace direction)
Instantiate an ender chest facing in a particular direction.
Furnace(BlockFace direction)
Instantiate a furnace facing in a particular direction.
Hopper(BlockFace facingDirection)
Constructs a hopper facing the specified direction and initially active.
Hopper(BlockFace facingDirection,
boolean isActive)
Constructs a hopper facing the specified direction and either active or
Mushroom(Material shroom,
BlockFace capFace)
Constructs a brown/red mushroom cap block with the specified face or
faces set to cap texture.
Observer(BlockFace direction) |
Pumpkin(BlockFace direction)
Instantiate a pumpkin facing in a particular direction.
SimpleAttachableMaterialData(int type,
BlockFace direction) |
SimpleAttachableMaterialData(Material type,
BlockFace direction) |
Skull(BlockFace direction)
Instantiate a skull facing in a particular direction.
Tree(Material type,
TreeSpecies species,
BlockFace dir)
Constructs a tree block of the given type and tree species, and facing
the given direction.
Tree(TreeSpecies species,
BlockFace dir)
Constructs a tree block of the given tree species, and facing the given
TripwireHook(BlockFace dir) |
Vine(BlockFace... faces) |
Constructor and Description |
Vine(EnumSet<BlockFace> faces) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BlockFace |
Gets the face that has cap texture.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static MushroomBlockTexture |
MushroomBlockTexture.getCapByFace(BlockFace face)
Gets the MushroomBlockType with cap texture on the given block face.
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