Package | Description |
co.aikar.timings | |
com.destroystokyo.paper.exception | |
org.bukkit.command |
Classes relating to handling specialized non-chat player input.
org.bukkit.conversations |
Classes dedicated to facilitate direct player-to-plugin communication.
org.bukkit.event |
Classes dedicated to handling triggered code executions.
org.bukkit.event.server |
Events relating to programmatic state
changes on the server. |
org.bukkit.metadata |
Classes dedicated to providing a layer of plugin specified data on various
Minecraft concepts.
org.bukkit.permissions |
Classes dedicated to providing binary state properties to players.
org.bukkit.plugin |
Classes specifically relating to loading software modules at runtime.
| |
Classes for handling
plugins written in
java. |
org.bukkit.plugin.messaging |
Classes dedicated to specialized plugin to client protocols.
org.bukkit.scheduler |
Classes dedicated to letting
plugins run
code at specific time intervals, including thread safety. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Plugin |
TimingsManager.getPluginByClassloader(Class<?> clazz)
Looks up the class loader for the specified class, and if it is a PluginClassLoader, return the
Plugin that created this class.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Timing |
Timings.of(Plugin plugin,
String name)
Returns a Timing for a plugin corresponding to a name.
static Timing |
Timings.of(Plugin plugin,
String name,
Timing groupHandler)
Returns a handler that has a groupHandler timer handler.
static Timing |
Timings.ofStart(Plugin plugin,
String name)
Returns a Timing object after starting it, useful for Java7 try-with-resources.
static Timing |
Timings.ofStart(Plugin plugin,
String name,
Timing groupHandler)
Returns a Timing object after starting it, useful for Java7 try-with-resources.
Constructor and Description |
TimedEventExecutor(EventExecutor executor,
Plugin plugin,
Method method,
Class<? extends Event> eventClass)
Wraps an event executor and associates a timing handler to it.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Plugin |
Gets the plugin which is directly responsible for the exception being thrown
Constructor and Description |
ServerEventException(String message,
Throwable cause,
boolean enableSuppression,
boolean writableStackTrace,
Plugin responsiblePlugin,
Listener listener,
Event event) |
ServerEventException(String message,
Throwable cause,
Plugin responsiblePlugin,
Listener listener,
Event event) |
ServerEventException(Throwable cause,
Plugin responsiblePlugin,
Listener listener,
Event event) |
ServerPluginEnableDisableException(String message,
Throwable cause,
boolean enableSuppression,
boolean writableStackTrace,
Plugin responsiblePlugin) |
ServerPluginEnableDisableException(String message,
Throwable cause,
Plugin responsiblePlugin) |
ServerPluginEnableDisableException(Throwable cause,
Plugin responsiblePlugin) |
ServerPluginException(String message,
Throwable cause,
boolean enableSuppression,
boolean writableStackTrace,
Plugin responsiblePlugin) |
ServerPluginException(String message,
Throwable cause,
Plugin responsiblePlugin) |
ServerPluginException(Throwable cause,
Plugin responsiblePlugin) |
ServerPluginMessageException(String message,
Throwable cause,
boolean enableSuppression,
boolean writableStackTrace,
Plugin responsiblePlugin,
Player player,
String channel,
byte[] data) |
ServerPluginMessageException(String message,
Throwable cause,
Plugin responsiblePlugin,
Player player,
String channel,
byte[] data) |
ServerPluginMessageException(Throwable cause,
Plugin responsiblePlugin,
Player player,
String channel,
byte[] data) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Plugin |
Gets the owner of this PluginIdentifiableCommand.
Plugin |
Gets the owner of this PluginCommand
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<Command> |
PluginCommandYamlParser.parse(Plugin plugin) |
Constructor and Description |
PluginCommand(String name,
Plugin owner) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Plugin |
PluginNameConversationPrefix.plugin |
protected Plugin |
InactivityConversationCanceller.plugin |
protected Plugin |
ConversationFactory.plugin |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Plugin |
Gets the plugin that owns this conversation.
Constructor and Description |
Conversation(Plugin plugin,
Conversable forWhom,
Prompt firstPrompt)
Initializes a new Conversation.
Conversation(Plugin plugin,
Conversable forWhom,
Prompt firstPrompt,
Map<Object,Object> initialSessionData)
Initializes a new Conversation.
ConversationContext(Plugin plugin,
Conversable forWhom,
Map<Object,Object> initialSessionData) |
ConversationFactory(Plugin plugin)
Constructs a ConversationFactory.
InactivityConversationCanceller(Plugin plugin,
int timeoutSeconds)
Creates an InactivityConversationCanceller.
PlayerNamePrompt(Plugin plugin) |
PluginNameConversationPrefix(Plugin plugin) |
PluginNameConversationPrefix(Plugin plugin,
String separator,
ChatColor prefixColor) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ArrayList<RegisteredListener> |
HandlerList.getRegisteredListeners(Plugin plugin)
Get a specific plugin's registered listeners associated with this
handler list
void |
HandlerList.unregister(Plugin plugin)
Remove a specific plugin's listeners from this handler
static void |
HandlerList.unregisterAll(Plugin plugin)
Unregister a specific plugin's listeners from all handler lists.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Plugin |
Gets the plugin involved in this event
Constructor and Description |
PluginDisableEvent(Plugin plugin) |
PluginEnableEvent(Plugin plugin) |
PluginEvent(Plugin plugin) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected WeakReference<Plugin> |
MetadataValueAdapter.owningPlugin |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Plugin |
MetadataValueAdapter.getOwningPlugin() |
Plugin |
Returns the
Plugin that created this metadata item. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MetadataStoreBase.invalidateAll(Plugin owningPlugin)
Invalidates all metadata in the metadata store that originates from the
given plugin.
void |
MetadataStore.invalidateAll(Plugin owningPlugin)
Invalidates all metadata in the metadata store that originates from the
given plugin.
void |
MetadataStoreBase.removeAll(Plugin owningPlugin)
Removes all metadata in the metadata store that originates from the
given plugin.
void |
Metadatable.removeMetadata(String metadataKey,
Plugin owningPlugin)
Removes the given metadata value from the implementing object's
metadata store.
void |
MetadataStoreBase.removeMetadata(T subject,
String metadataKey,
Plugin owningPlugin)
Removes a metadata item owned by a plugin from a subject.
void |
MetadataStore.removeMetadata(T subject,
String metadataKey,
Plugin owningPlugin)
Removes a metadata item owned by a plugin from a subject.
Constructor and Description |
FixedMetadataValue(Plugin owningPlugin,
Object value)
Initializes a FixedMetadataValue with an Object
LazyMetadataValue(Plugin owningPlugin)
Protected special constructor used by FixedMetadataValue to bypass
standard setup.
LazyMetadataValue(Plugin owningPlugin,
Callable<Object> lazyValue)
Initialized a LazyMetadataValue object with the default
CACHE_AFTER_FIRST_EVAL cache strategy.
LazyMetadataValue(Plugin owningPlugin,
LazyMetadataValue.CacheStrategy cacheStrategy,
Callable<Object> lazyValue)
Initializes a LazyMetadataValue object with a specific cache strategy.
MetadataValueAdapter(Plugin owningPlugin) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Plugin |
Gets the plugin responsible for this attachment
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PermissionAttachment |
PermissibleBase.addAttachment(Plugin plugin) |
PermissionAttachment |
Permissible.addAttachment(Plugin plugin)
Adds a new empty
PermissionAttachment to this object |
PermissionAttachment |
PermissibleBase.addAttachment(Plugin plugin,
int ticks) |
PermissionAttachment |
Permissible.addAttachment(Plugin plugin,
int ticks)
Temporarily adds a new empty
PermissionAttachment to this
object |
PermissionAttachment |
PermissibleBase.addAttachment(Plugin plugin,
String name,
boolean value) |
PermissionAttachment |
Permissible.addAttachment(Plugin plugin,
String name,
boolean value)
Adds a new
PermissionAttachment with a single permission by
name and value |
PermissionAttachment |
PermissibleBase.addAttachment(Plugin plugin,
String name,
boolean value,
int ticks) |
PermissionAttachment |
Permissible.addAttachment(Plugin plugin,
String name,
boolean value,
int ticks)
Temporarily adds a new
PermissionAttachment with a single
permission by name and value |
Constructor and Description |
PermissionAttachment(Plugin plugin,
Permissible Permissible) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Represents a base
Plugin |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Plugin |
RegisteredServiceProvider.getPlugin() |
Plugin |
Gets the plugin for this registration
Plugin |
SimplePluginManager.getPlugin(String name)
Checks if the given plugin is loaded and returns it when applicable
Plugin |
PluginManager.getPlugin(String name)
Checks if the given plugin is loaded and returns it when applicable
Plugin[] |
SimplePluginManager.getPlugins() |
Plugin[] |
Gets a list of all currently loaded plugins
Plugin |
SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(File file)
Loads the plugin in the specified file
Plugin |
PluginManager.loadPlugin(File file)
Loads the plugin in the specified file
Plugin |
PluginLoader.loadPlugin(File file)
Loads the plugin contained in the specified file
Plugin[] |
SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(File directory)
Loads the plugins contained within the specified directory
Plugin[] |
PluginManager.loadPlugins(File directory)
Loads the plugins contained within the specified directory
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<Class<? extends Event>,Set<RegisteredListener>> |
PluginLoader.createRegisteredListeners(Listener listener,
Plugin plugin)
Creates and returns registered listeners for the event classes used in
this listener
void |
SimplePluginManager.disablePlugin(Plugin plugin) |
void |
PluginManager.disablePlugin(Plugin plugin)
Disables the specified plugin
void |
PluginLoader.disablePlugin(Plugin plugin)
Disables the specified plugin
void |
SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(Plugin plugin) |
void |
PluginManager.enablePlugin(Plugin plugin)
Enables the specified plugin
void |
PluginLoader.enablePlugin(Plugin plugin)
Enables the specified plugin
List<RegisteredServiceProvider<?>> |
SimpleServicesManager.getRegistrations(Plugin plugin)
Get registrations of providers for a plugin.
List<RegisteredServiceProvider<?>> |
ServicesManager.getRegistrations(Plugin plugin)
Get registrations of providers for a plugin.
boolean |
SimplePluginManager.isPluginEnabled(Plugin plugin)
Checks if the given plugin is enabled or not
boolean |
PluginManager.isPluginEnabled(Plugin plugin)
Checks if the given plugin is enabled or not
<T> void |
SimpleServicesManager.register(Class<T> service,
T provider,
Plugin plugin,
ServicePriority priority)
Register a provider of a service.
<T> void |
ServicesManager.register(Class<T> service,
T provider,
Plugin plugin,
ServicePriority priority)
Register a provider of a service.
void |
SimplePluginManager.registerEvent(Class<? extends Event> event,
Listener listener,
EventPriority priority,
EventExecutor executor,
Plugin plugin) |
void |
PluginManager.registerEvent(Class<? extends Event> event,
Listener listener,
EventPriority priority,
EventExecutor executor,
Plugin plugin)
Registers the specified executor to the given event class
void |
SimplePluginManager.registerEvent(Class<? extends Event> event,
Listener listener,
EventPriority priority,
EventExecutor executor,
Plugin plugin,
boolean ignoreCancelled)
Registers the given event to the specified listener using a directly
passed EventExecutor
void |
PluginManager.registerEvent(Class<? extends Event> event,
Listener listener,
EventPriority priority,
EventExecutor executor,
Plugin plugin,
boolean ignoreCancelled)
Registers the specified executor to the given event class
void |
SimplePluginManager.registerEvents(Listener listener,
Plugin plugin) |
void |
PluginManager.registerEvents(Listener listener,
Plugin plugin)
Registers all the events in the given listener class
void |
SimpleServicesManager.unregisterAll(Plugin plugin)
Unregister all the providers registered by a particular plugin.
void |
ServicesManager.unregisterAll(Plugin plugin)
Unregister all the providers registered by a particular plugin.
Constructor and Description |
PluginLogger(Plugin context)
Creates a new PluginLogger that extracts the name from a plugin.
RegisteredListener(Listener listener,
EventExecutor executor,
EventPriority priority,
Plugin plugin,
boolean ignoreCancelled) |
RegisteredServiceProvider(Class<T> service,
T provider,
ServicePriority priority,
Plugin plugin) |
TimedRegisteredListener(Listener pluginListener,
EventExecutor eventExecutor,
EventPriority eventPriority,
Plugin registeredPlugin,
boolean listenCancelled) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Represents a Java plugin
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Plugin |
JavaPluginLoader.loadPlugin(File file) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<Class<? extends Event>,Set<RegisteredListener>> |
JavaPluginLoader.createRegisteredListeners(Listener listener,
Plugin plugin) |
void |
JavaPluginLoader.disablePlugin(Plugin plugin) |
void |
JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(Plugin plugin) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Plugin |
Gets the plugin that this registration is for.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<PluginMessageListenerRegistration> |
StandardMessenger.getIncomingChannelRegistrations(Plugin plugin) |
Set<PluginMessageListenerRegistration> |
Messenger.getIncomingChannelRegistrations(Plugin plugin)
Gets a set containing all the incoming plugin channel registrations
that the specified plugin has.
Set<PluginMessageListenerRegistration> |
StandardMessenger.getIncomingChannelRegistrations(Plugin plugin,
String channel) |
Set<PluginMessageListenerRegistration> |
Messenger.getIncomingChannelRegistrations(Plugin plugin,
String channel)
Gets a set containing all the incoming plugin channel registrations
that the specified plugin has on the requested channel.
Set<String> |
StandardMessenger.getIncomingChannels(Plugin plugin) |
Set<String> |
Messenger.getIncomingChannels(Plugin plugin)
Gets a set containing all the incoming plugin channels that the
specified plugin is registered for.
Set<String> |
StandardMessenger.getOutgoingChannels(Plugin plugin) |
Set<String> |
Messenger.getOutgoingChannels(Plugin plugin)
Gets a set containing all the outgoing plugin channels that the
specified plugin is registered to.
boolean |
StandardMessenger.isIncomingChannelRegistered(Plugin plugin,
String channel) |
boolean |
Messenger.isIncomingChannelRegistered(Plugin plugin,
String channel)
Checks if the specified plugin has registered to receive incoming
messages through the requested channel.
boolean |
StandardMessenger.isOutgoingChannelRegistered(Plugin plugin,
String channel) |
boolean |
Messenger.isOutgoingChannelRegistered(Plugin plugin,
String channel)
Checks if the specified plugin has registered to send outgoing messages
through the requested channel.
PluginMessageListenerRegistration |
StandardMessenger.registerIncomingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin,
String channel,
PluginMessageListener listener) |
PluginMessageListenerRegistration |
Messenger.registerIncomingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin,
String channel,
PluginMessageListener listener)
Registers the specific plugin for listening on the requested incoming
plugin channel, allowing it to act upon any plugin messages.
void |
StandardMessenger.registerOutgoingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin,
String channel) |
void |
Messenger.registerOutgoingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin,
String channel)
Registers the specific plugin to the requested outgoing plugin channel,
allowing it to send messages through that channel to any clients.
void |
PluginMessageRecipient.sendPluginMessage(Plugin source,
String channel,
byte[] message)
Sends this recipient a Plugin Message on the specified outgoing
void |
StandardMessenger.unregisterIncomingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin) |
void |
Messenger.unregisterIncomingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin)
Unregisters the specific plugin from listening on all plugin channels
through all listeners.
void |
StandardMessenger.unregisterIncomingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin,
String channel) |
void |
Messenger.unregisterIncomingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin,
String channel)
Unregisters the specific plugin from listening on the requested
incoming plugin channel, no longer allowing it to act upon any plugin
void |
StandardMessenger.unregisterIncomingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin,
String channel,
PluginMessageListener listener) |
void |
Messenger.unregisterIncomingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin,
String channel,
PluginMessageListener listener)
Unregisters the specific plugin's listener from listening on the
requested incoming plugin channel, no longer allowing it to act upon
any plugin messages.
void |
StandardMessenger.unregisterOutgoingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin) |
void |
Messenger.unregisterOutgoingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin)
Unregisters the specific plugin from all outgoing plugin channels, no
longer allowing it to send any plugin messages.
void |
StandardMessenger.unregisterOutgoingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin,
String channel) |
void |
Messenger.unregisterOutgoingPluginChannel(Plugin plugin,
String channel)
Unregisters the specific plugin from the requested outgoing plugin
channel, no longer allowing it to send messages through that channel to
any clients.
static void |
StandardMessenger.validatePluginMessage(Messenger messenger,
Plugin source,
String channel,
byte[] message)
Validates the input of a Plugin Message, ensuring the arguments are all
Constructor and Description |
PluginMessageListenerRegistration(Messenger messenger,
Plugin plugin,
String channel,
PluginMessageListener listener) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Plugin |
Returns the Plugin that owns this task.
Plugin |
Returns the Plugin that owns this task.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> Future<T> |
BukkitScheduler.callSyncMethod(Plugin plugin,
Callable<T> task)
Calls a method on the main thread and returns a Future object.
void |
BukkitScheduler.cancelTasks(Plugin plugin)
Removes all tasks associated with a particular plugin from the
BukkitTask |
BukkitRunnable.runTask(Plugin plugin)
Schedules this in the Bukkit scheduler to run on next tick.
BukkitTask |
BukkitScheduler.runTask(Plugin plugin,
BukkitRunnable task)
BukkitTask |
BukkitScheduler.runTask(Plugin plugin,
Runnable task)
Returns a task that will run on the next server tick.
BukkitTask |
BukkitRunnable.runTaskAsynchronously(Plugin plugin)
Asynchronous tasks should never access any API in Bukkit.
BukkitTask |
BukkitScheduler.runTaskAsynchronously(Plugin plugin,
BukkitRunnable task)
BukkitTask |
BukkitScheduler.runTaskAsynchronously(Plugin plugin,
Runnable task)
Asynchronous tasks should never access any API in Bukkit.
BukkitTask |
BukkitScheduler.runTaskLater(Plugin plugin,
BukkitRunnable task,
long delay)
BukkitTask |
BukkitRunnable.runTaskLater(Plugin plugin,
long delay)
Schedules this to run after the specified number of server ticks.
BukkitTask |
BukkitScheduler.runTaskLater(Plugin plugin,
Runnable task,
long delay)
Returns a task that will run after the specified number of server
BukkitTask |
BukkitScheduler.runTaskLaterAsynchronously(Plugin plugin,
BukkitRunnable task,
long delay)
BukkitTask |
BukkitRunnable.runTaskLaterAsynchronously(Plugin plugin,
long delay)
Asynchronous tasks should never access any API in Bukkit.
BukkitTask |
BukkitScheduler.runTaskLaterAsynchronously(Plugin plugin,
Runnable task,
long delay)
Asynchronous tasks should never access any API in Bukkit.
BukkitTask |
BukkitScheduler.runTaskTimer(Plugin plugin,
BukkitRunnable task,
long delay,
long period)
BukkitTask |
BukkitRunnable.runTaskTimer(Plugin plugin,
long delay,
long period)
Schedules this to repeatedly run until cancelled, starting after the
specified number of server ticks.
BukkitTask |
BukkitScheduler.runTaskTimer(Plugin plugin,
Runnable task,
long delay,
long period)
Returns a task that will repeatedly run until cancelled, starting after
the specified number of server ticks.
BukkitTask |
BukkitScheduler.runTaskTimerAsynchronously(Plugin plugin,
BukkitRunnable task,
long delay,
long period)
BukkitTask |
BukkitRunnable.runTaskTimerAsynchronously(Plugin plugin,
long delay,
long period)
Asynchronous tasks should never access any API in Bukkit.
BukkitTask |
BukkitScheduler.runTaskTimerAsynchronously(Plugin plugin,
Runnable task,
long delay,
long period)
Asynchronous tasks should never access any API in Bukkit.
int |
BukkitScheduler.scheduleAsyncDelayedTask(Plugin plugin,
Runnable task)
This name is misleading, as it does not schedule "a sync"
task, but rather, "an async" task
int |
BukkitScheduler.scheduleAsyncDelayedTask(Plugin plugin,
Runnable task,
long delay)
This name is misleading, as it does not schedule "a sync"
task, but rather, "an async" task
int |
BukkitScheduler.scheduleAsyncRepeatingTask(Plugin plugin,
Runnable task,
long delay,
long period)
This name is misleading, as it does not schedule "a sync"
task, but rather, "an async" task
int |
BukkitScheduler.scheduleSyncDelayedTask(Plugin plugin,
BukkitRunnable task)
int |
BukkitScheduler.scheduleSyncDelayedTask(Plugin plugin,
BukkitRunnable task,
long delay)
int |
BukkitScheduler.scheduleSyncDelayedTask(Plugin plugin,
Runnable task)
Schedules a once off task to occur as soon as possible.
int |
BukkitScheduler.scheduleSyncDelayedTask(Plugin plugin,
Runnable task,
long delay)
Schedules a once off task to occur after a delay.
int |
BukkitScheduler.scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(Plugin plugin,
BukkitRunnable task,
long delay,
long period)
int |
BukkitScheduler.scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(Plugin plugin,
Runnable task,
long delay,
long period)
Schedules a repeating task.
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