Interface | Description |
Ageable |
'age' represents the different growth stages that a crop-like block can go
AnaloguePowerable |
'power' represents the redstone power level currently being emitted or
transmitted via this block.
Attachable |
'attached' denotes whether a tripwire hook or string forms a complete
tripwire circuit and is ready to trigger.
Bisected |
'half' denotes which half of a two block tall material this block is.
BlockData | |
Directional |
'facing' represents the face towards which the block is pointing.
FaceAttachable |
'face' represents the face to which a lever or button is stuck.
Levelled |
'level' represents the amount of fluid contained within this block, either by
itself or inside a cauldron.
Lightable |
'lit' denotes whether this block (either a redstone torch or furnace) is
currently lit - that is not burned out.
MultipleFacing |
This class encompasses the 'north', 'east', 'south', 'west', 'up', 'down'
boolean flags which are used to set which faces of the block textures are
displayed on.
Openable |
'open' denotes whether this door-like block is currently opened.
Orientable |
'axis' represents the axis along whilst this block is oriented.
Powerable |
'powered' indicates whether this block is in the powered state or not, i.e.
Rail |
'shape' represents the current layout of a minecart rail.
Rotatable |
'rotation' represents the current rotation of this block.
Snowable |
'snowy' denotes whether this block has a snow covered side and top texture
(normally because the block above is snow).
Waterlogged |
'waterlogged' denotes whether this block has fluid in it.
Enum | Description |
Bisected.Half |
The half of a vertically bisected block.
FaceAttachable.AttachedFace |
The face to which a switch type block is stuck.
Rail.Shape |
The different types of shapes a rail block can occupy.
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