Package | Description |
com.destroystokyo.paper | |
org.bukkit |
More generalized classes in the API.
org.bukkit.enchantments |
Classes relating to the specialized enhancements to
item stacks , as part of the meta data . |
org.bukkit.entity |
Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a
world , including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc. |
org.bukkit.event.player | |
org.bukkit.inventory |
Classes involved in manipulating player inventories and item interactions.
org.bukkit.inventory.meta |
The interfaces used when manipulating extra data can can be stored inside
item stacks . |
org.bukkit.inventory.meta.tags | |
org.bukkit.loot |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NamespacedKey |
MaterialSetTag.getKey() |
Constructor and Description |
MaterialSetTag(NamespacedKey key,
Collection<Material> materials) |
MaterialSetTag(NamespacedKey key,
Material... materials) |
MaterialSetTag(NamespacedKey key,
Predicate<Material> filter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NamespacedKey |
Material.getKey() |
NamespacedKey |
Return the namespaced identifier for this object.
static NamespacedKey |
NamespacedKey.minecraft(String key)
Get a key in the Minecraft namespace.
static NamespacedKey |
should never be used by plugins, for internal use only!!
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
KeyedBossBar |
Server.createBossBar(NamespacedKey key,
String title,
BarColor color,
BarStyle style,
BarFlag... flags)
Creates a boss bar instance to display to players.
static KeyedBossBar |
Bukkit.createBossBar(NamespacedKey key,
String title,
BarColor color,
BarStyle style,
BarFlag... flags)
Creates a boss bar instance to display to players.
Advancement |
Server.getAdvancement(NamespacedKey key)
Get the advancement specified by this key.
static Advancement |
Bukkit.getAdvancement(NamespacedKey key)
Get the advancement specified by this key.
KeyedBossBar |
Server.getBossBar(NamespacedKey key)
Gets the
KeyedBossBar specified by this key. |
static KeyedBossBar |
Bukkit.getBossBar(NamespacedKey key)
Gets the
KeyedBossBar specified by this key. |
LootTable |
Server.getLootTable(NamespacedKey key)
Gets the specified
LootTable . |
static LootTable |
Bukkit.getLootTable(NamespacedKey key)
Gets the specified
LootTable . |
<T extends Keyed> |
Server.getTag(String registry,
NamespacedKey tag,
Class<T> clazz)
Gets a tag which has already been defined within the server.
static <T extends Keyed> |
Bukkit.getTag(String registry,
NamespacedKey tag,
Class<T> clazz)
Gets a tag which has already been defined within the server.
Advancement |
UnsafeValues.loadAdvancement(NamespacedKey key,
String advancement)
Load an advancement represented by the specified string into the server.
boolean |
UnsafeValues.removeAdvancement(NamespacedKey key)
Delete an advancement which was loaded and saved by
UnsafeValues.loadAdvancement(org.bukkit.NamespacedKey, java.lang.String) . |
boolean |
Server.removeBossBar(NamespacedKey key)
Removes a
KeyedBossBar specified by this key. |
static boolean |
Bukkit.removeBossBar(NamespacedKey key)
Removes a
KeyedBossBar specified by this key. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NamespacedKey |
Enchantment.getKey() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Enchantment |
Enchantment.getByKey(NamespacedKey key)
Gets the Enchantment at the specified key
Constructor and Description |
Enchantment(NamespacedKey key) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
HumanEntity.discoverRecipe(NamespacedKey recipe)
Discover a recipe for this player such that it has not already been
boolean |
HumanEntity.undiscoverRecipe(NamespacedKey recipe)
Undiscover a recipe for this player such that it has already been
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
HumanEntity.discoverRecipes(Collection<NamespacedKey> recipes)
Discover a collection of recipes for this player such that they have not
already been discovered.
int |
HumanEntity.undiscoverRecipes(Collection<NamespacedKey> recipes)
Undiscover a collection of recipes for this player such that they have
already been discovered.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NamespacedKey |
Get the namespaced key of the discovered recipe.
Constructor and Description |
PlayerRecipeDiscoverEvent(Player who,
NamespacedKey recipe) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NamespacedKey |
ShapelessRecipe.getKey() |
NamespacedKey |
ShapedRecipe.getKey() |
NamespacedKey |
FurnaceRecipe.getKey() |
Constructor and Description |
FurnaceRecipe(NamespacedKey key,
ItemStack result,
Material source,
float experience,
int cookingTime)
Create a furnace recipe to craft the specified ItemStack.
FurnaceRecipe(NamespacedKey key,
ItemStack result,
Material source,
int data,
float experience,
int cookingTime)
FurnaceRecipe(NamespacedKey key,
ItemStack result,
RecipeChoice input,
float experience,
int cookingTime)
Create a furnace recipe to craft the specified ItemStack.
ShapedRecipe(NamespacedKey key,
ItemStack result)
Create a shaped recipe to craft the specified ItemStack.
ShapelessRecipe(NamespacedKey key,
ItemStack result)
Create a shapeless recipe to craft the specified ItemStack.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<NamespacedKey> |
Gets all the recipes in the book.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
KnowledgeBookMeta.addRecipe(NamespacedKey... recipes)
Adds new recipe to the end of the book.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
KnowledgeBookMeta.setRecipes(List<NamespacedKey> recipes)
Clears the existing book recipes, and sets the book to use the provided
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T,Z> Z |
CustomItemTagContainer.getCustomTag(NamespacedKey key,
ItemTagType<T,Z> type)
Returns the custom tag's value that is stored on the item.
<T,Z> boolean |
CustomItemTagContainer.hasCustomTag(NamespacedKey key,
ItemTagType<T,Z> type)
Returns if the item meta has a custom tag registered matching the
provided parameters.
void |
CustomItemTagContainer.removeCustomTag(NamespacedKey key)
Removes a custom key from the item meta.
<T,Z> void |
CustomItemTagContainer.setCustomTag(NamespacedKey key,
ItemTagType<T,Z> type,
Z value)
Stores a custom value on the
ItemMeta . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NamespacedKey |
LootTables.getKey() |
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