Interface LootEvent

public interface LootEvent
Events related to loot tables and loot generation.
  • Field Details


      static final Event<LootEvent.ModifyLootTable> MODIFY_LOOT_TABLE
      An event to modify loot tables when they are loaded. This can be used to add new drops via new loot pools to existing loot tables without replacing the entire table.

      Built-in loot tables

      The event interface includes a builtin parameter. If it's true, the loot table is built-in to vanilla or a mod. Otherwise, it's from a user data pack. The parameter can be used to only modify built-in loot tables and let user-provided loot tables act as full "overwrites".

      This event only runs for built-in loot tables on Forge due to the limitations of LootTableLoadEvent.

      Example: adding diamonds as a drop for dirt

       LootEvent.MODIFY_LOOT_TABLE.register((lootTables, id, context, builtin) -> {
           // Check that the loot table is dirt and built-in
           if (builtin && Blocks.DIRT.getLootTable().equals(id)) {
               // Create a loot pool with a single item entry of Items.DIAMOND
               LootPool.Builder pool = LootPool.lootPool().add(LootItem.lootTableItem(Items.DIAMOND));
      See Also: