Class BiomeModifications


public final class BiomeModifications extends Object
This class provides a cross-platform API to modify Biome features and properties.

Changes to the biomes are hereby done in four distinct "phases", akin to Fabric API's net.fabricmc.fabric.api.biome.v1.ModificationPhase enum.

The order in which these phases get processed is as follows, with the corresponding Forge EventPriority shown in brackets:

  1. Adding new features to biomes. [HIGH]
  2. Removing existing features from biomes. [NORMAL]
  3. Replacing existing features with new ones. [LOW]
  4. Generic Post-Processing of already modified biome features. [LOWEST]
Keep in mind that it isn't strictly required that you use these phases accordingly (i.e., you may also add features during Post-Processing, for example); they mostly serve to add a predictable order to biome modifications.