Interface ClientLifecycleEvent

@Environment(CLIENT) public interface ClientLifecycleEvent
  • Field Details


      static final Event<ClientLifecycleEvent.ClientState> CLIENT_STARTED
      Invoked when client has been initialised. Equivalent to Fabric's ClientLifecycleEvents.CLIENT_STARTING.

      static final Event<ClientLifecycleEvent.ClientState> CLIENT_STOPPING
      Invoked when client is stopping. Equivalent to Fabric's ClientLifecycleEvents.CLIENT_STOPPING.

      static final Event<ClientLifecycleEvent.ClientWorldState> CLIENT_WORLD_LOAD
      Invoked after a world is loaded only on the client-side. Equivalent to Forge's WorldEvent.Load event (on client).

      static final Event<ClientLifecycleEvent.ClientState> CLIENT_SETUP
      Invoked once client setup has begun.

      This happens during FMLClientSetupEvent on Forge, or when Architectury API's client entrypoint initialises on Fabric.

      Registries should have been initialised by this point, but there are no such guarantees, as you can modify the registry beyond this point on non-Forge environments.